Learning gains from using games consoles in primary classrooms: a randomized controlled study
It is known that computer games are motivating for children, but there is limited direct evidence of their effects on classroom learning. Following a successful small-scale case study conducted by the authors, the aim of this randomized controlled trial was to further investigate the effects of a commercial off-the-shelf computer game on children’s mental computation skills and on aspects of their self-perceptions. A pre-post design was employed, with 634 primary-school (elementary school) children (10-11 years old) from 32 schools across Scotland. Schools were randomly assigned to experimental or control conditions. In the experimental schools, children used a games console for 20 minutes each day, running a ‘brain training’ game. The controls continued with their normal routine. The treatment period was nine weeks. Significant pre-post gains were found in both groups over the treatment period for both accuracy and speed of calculations. However, the gains in the games console group were up to twice those of the controls. There were no significant changes in two measures of self-concept for either group, although there was a small but statistically significant gain in attitude to school amongst the experimental group. When scores were analysed by ability, different patterns of scores were apparent. Qualitative data pointed to a range of benefits from the games-console experience. There are many implications which arise from the findings, some of which will be explored at the presentation.
據了解,電腦遊戲激發兒童,但有有限的直接證據,他們對課堂學習。繼成功的小型案例研究進行了作家,其目的本隨機對照試驗,以進一步探討影響商業現成的,現成的電腦遊戲對兒童的心理運算技能和對問題的自我認知。阿崗前性設計,與 634小學(小學)的兒童(10-11歲)32所學校在蘇格蘭。學校被隨機分配到實驗組或控制的條件。在實驗學校,兒童用的遊戲機,每天20分鐘,運行一個'大腦訓練遊戲的意義。在繼續控制他們的正常程序。治療期為 9週。重大崗前漲幅發現,兩組在治療期間的精確度和速度的計算。然而,收穫的遊戲機組的兩倍那些控件。沒有顯著變化,兩項措施的自我概念,任何一組,雖然有一個小但顯著收益的態度,學校之間在實驗組。當成績進行了分析能力,形態各異的得分明顯。定性數據指出,利益的範圍從遊戲控制台的經驗。其中有許多問題產生的結果,其中一些將探討在頒獎。
1. Background
There is a growing acceptance of the value of ICT in primary schools, with a range of applications now embedded in mainstream practice. In recent years initiatives have included the use of laptops, interactive white boards, hand-held computers and the internet. Additionally, there has long been an interest in the use of games-based applications in the classroom, with a growing interest in the potential of commercial off-the-shelf computer games (COTS) for learning in schools. The arguments for such games are framed in terms of knowledge gains, skill development, motivational aspects and cultural relevance issues (see, for example, Prensky, 2001; Kirriemuir & McFarlane, 2002; Sandford, Ulicsak, Facer & Rudd, 2006). However, as yet, the evidence of their educational value is neither extensive nor robust (Condie & Munro, 2007). In fact, in the current educational literature, much that has been written about the benefits of games and games-based learning appears to focus on the beliefs and attitudes of teachers, pupils and parents (eg McFarlane, Sparrowhawk & Heald, 2002; Facer, 2003; Sandford et al., 2006). There is a notable absence of studies that report output measures in terms of attainment.
人們越來越多地接受信息和通信技術的價值在小學,與嵌入式應用範圍目前主流的做法。近年來舉措包括使用筆記本電腦,互動式白板,手提電腦和互聯網。此外,長期以來一直是有興趣的遊戲中使用的應用程序在課堂上,有一個越來越大的興趣,在潛在的商用的現成電腦遊戲(COTS)的學校學習。對於此類遊戲的論據是誣陷在收益方面的知識,技能發展,激勵和文化方面的相關問題(見,例如,Prensky,2001年;柯里繆爾和麥克法蘭,2002;桑福德,Ulicsak,瓦楞機及陸克文,2006)。然而,到目前為止,他們的證據既不是廣泛的教育價值,也不健壯(康迪與蒙羅,2007)。事實上,在當前的教育文獻中,已經寫入多的好處遊戲和遊戲為基礎的學習似乎把重點放在信念和態度的教師,學生及家長(如麥克法蘭,雀鷹和希爾德,2002;瓦楞機, 2003年桑福德等。,2006)。有一個顯著缺乏研究,報表輸出措施條款的實現。
2. Current study
This randomised controlled trial (RCT) followed on from a small-scale case study (Miller & Robertson, in press) which found statistically significant improvements in computation (accuracy and speed of processing) and self-perceptions when children used a COTS programme on a games console (Dr. Kawashima’s brain training) over a ten-week treatment period. The design of the current trial involved identifying schools which were in the lowest quartile in terms of socio-economic status (as measured by entitlement to free school meals) in each of the participating Regional Education Authorities. Once the pool of schools had been identified in each authority, they were randomly assigned to the experimental or control group. Each school in the experimental group was given a set of Nintendo DS lite games consoles for a primary 6 class.
這項隨機對照試驗(RCT),其次從一個小規模的案例研究(米勒和羅伯遜在新聞)顯著改善,其中發現在計算(精度和速度,加工)和自我認知,當孩子使用了一個現成方案遊戲控制台(川島博士的大腦訓練)超過十個星期的治療期。設計了目前的審判涉及查明學校在最低四分位數的計算,社會經濟地位(作為衡量學校領取免費餐)在每一個區域教育機構參加。一旦池中的學校已被確定在每一個機關,他們被隨機分配到實驗組或對照組。每所學校在實驗組給予一套任天堂的DS Lite遊戲機的主6級。
2.1. Participants
•32 schools
•4 education authorities
•Complete data set for 634 P6 children
2.2. Method
• Randomised controlled trial (stratified random sample)
• There were 2 conditions:
Experimental group, who used the Nintendo half an hour a day, 5 days a week playing Dr. Kawashima’s Brain Training
A control group, where the teachers were asked not to change their normal routine
• A training session was provided for the teachers who were in the Nintendo group
• The treatment period was 9 weeks
• Data collected: pre and post measures of computation (accuracy and speed), various self-measures, (eg mathematics self-concept). In addition, other data were collected: eg children’s previous performance against national standards (5-14 levels); computer use at home.
實驗組,誰使用任天堂每天半小時,每週 5天打川島博士的大腦訓練
3. Findings
3.1. quantitative data Accuracy (number correct)
• Statistically significant gains in both groups.
• But the mean gain in the experimental group was approximately 50% greater than that of the control group.
This difference was statistically significant.
3.1.2. Speed of processing (time taken to complete number test)
• Statistically significant improvement in both groups.
• However, the mean improvement in the experimental group was more than twice that of the control group. This difference was highly statistically significant.
3.1.3. Self-concept
• No significant change in either maths self-concept or academic self-concept in either group.
3.1.4. Attitude to school
• Slight – but statistically significant – improvement in attitude towards school in the experimental group, but not in controls
•輕微-但顯著- 改善對學校的態度,在實驗組,但在控制組則否。
3.1.5. Analysis by previously recorded mathematical ability (please note: general trends – more detailed analysis to follow)
• In terms of accuracy, the less able children tended to improve more than the more able children.
• In terms of speed, the middle ability children tended to improve more than the children at the top and bottom of the ability range
3.1.5。通過事先錄製的數學分析能力(請注意:一般趨勢- 更詳細的分析如下)
3.1.6. Gender:
• There were no significant gender differences.
3.2. qualitative data
In addition to the quantitative data collected, we also noted comments from teachers and children after the treatment period was over. Further qualitative data will be reported in due course, but some interesting findings
• improvements noticed in children’s academic work: tables, basic computation, writing
• truanting and lateness had dramatically improved in some classes (the Nintendos were used at the start of the school day)
• children keen to take responsibility for the management aspects (collection, distribution, charging etc)
• improvements in interpersonal relationships (children taking a supportive interest in the performance of peers)
• children believed that they were ‘smarter’ as a result of using the game
4. Conclusion
There are many implications here: for the use of COTS in classrooms, for the raising attainment agenda, for
teaching and learning styles, for further investigation of the domains of learning, for the management of electronic
resources once purchased, for teachers’ belief systems, and a range of other issues. These will be developed in more detail in full journal papers.
To conclude, we wish to emphasise that no sponsorship was involved in this study. Funding was provided by Learning and Teaching Scotland, (a non-departmental public body funded by the Scottish Government) with an additional contribution from one of the participating Regional Education Authorities. The authors neither asked for, nor received, financial or any other form of support from Nintendo or any other commercial organisation.
2011年5月24日 星期二
2011年5月5日 星期四
2011/5/6 Paper閱讀摘錄
5. Conclusions
5.1. Discussion
By using knowledge of how children learn in video games, we have more information to help us determine with which games children may be more likely to engage in learning strategies that encourage the development of critical thinking skills, imagination,and creativity. Further, this knowledge of how children learn in the video game world may lead to developments in designing educational video game products and serious games, and possibly even to modi?cations of learning environments in the classroom. Gee (2003) noted the disparity between the learning environments of video gamers, who are engaged in learning games, with students in traditional school environments, who are given little control over their own learning. He recommends that learning principles from video game design can be used to understand the way children are learning in games, whichmay ultimately lead to modification of classroom instruction to make school learning more relevant to students.
Video games have, in part, been blamed for children’s waning ability to engage in creative play (Cordes & Miler, 2000; Healy,1998). Contrary to that belief, adventure games in particular may encourage boys to try on a new identity and imagine what it would be like to be in the fantasy world created by the game, to make decisions that make sense in that fantasy world. Vygotsky (1978) posited that children come to recognize and appreciate social norms, especially adult roles, by playing. Through play, children have the capacity to pretend and temporarily take on a different identity. Out of all the video game genres explored in this study, it seems that children (and boys in particular) are most likely to engage in this positive form of creative play and imagining when playing adventure games. Action games encourage simple repetition, which may not be as intellectually stimulating as other genres of games, but may encourage patience and perseverance. Important elements of action games that encourage repetition without undue frustration are immediate feedback, rewards for improvement, and lack of punishment for repeated failure (Gee, 2003). It should be noted, however, that the correlational nature of the relationship makes it unclear whether the games of a particular genre encourage children to use certain learning strategies or if children tend to choose games of the genre that requires their preferred learning style to succeed based on game design.
This study gives preliminary evidence that girls, more often than boys, prefer to learn games through innovative strategies and exploration. When playing adventure games, however, they tend to prefer observing others before playing themselves. This is an interesting paradox between tendencies toward observation and tendencies toward exploration. The difference may be due differences in the game genres. Adventure games take place in fantasy worlds, each with its unique set of rules and customs. Perhaps when placed in such a new and open-ended environment girls would prefer to gain knowledge from watching someone else’ successes and failures before participating themselves. The other types of game play, however – simulation, educational, and action games – tend to be more concrete. The girls in this study were inclined to play simulations such as The Sims and Zoo Tycoon, as well as Webkinz games. The worlds in which these games take place are more similar to the real world, and thus provide a sense of familiarity. This study indicates that in these circumstances, girls prefer to use innovative strategies and to be able to explore the tools and activities available in the game. Further research is needed to see if this translates to learning styles in other contexts besides video games. If so, it would suggest that girls should be given freedom to explore and try new things in educational situations that are familiar to them, and that they may prefer to watch others before participating in new and unfamiliar learning environments.
這項研究提供了初步證據表明,女孩比男孩更經常,更喜歡通過遊戲學習和探索創新戰略。當玩冒險遊戲,但是,他們往往更喜歡觀察別人在玩自己。這是一個有趣的悖論與趨勢走向和趨勢的觀察對探索。這種差別可能是由於不同的遊戲類型。冒險遊戲發生在幻想世界,每個國家都有它獨特的一套規則和習慣。也許,當放置在這樣一個新的和開放式的環境女孩寧願獲得的知識,從看別人的成功與失敗之前參加自己。其他類型的遊戲,但是 - 模擬,教育,和動作遊戲 - 往往更加具體。女孩們在這項研究中傾向於玩模擬,如模擬人生和動物園大亨,以及Webkinz遊戲。世界在發生這些遊戲更接近現實世界,從而提供了一個熟悉感。這項研究表明,在這種情況下,女孩喜歡用創新的戰略,並能夠探索的工具和活動提供在遊戲中。需要進一步研究,看是否能轉化為學習風格在其他情況下,除了視頻遊戲。如果是的話,它會建議,女孩應給予自由探索和嘗試新事物的教育情況是很熟悉他們,他們可能更喜歡看別人之前,參與新的和陌生的學習環境。
In video games children are free to try a number of learning strategies. Knowing the ways children choose to learn when they are engaged in an independent activity such as video games may help guide parents and educators in encouraging different styles of learning in other educational contexts. This study also showed that boys are more likely than girls to use ‘cheats’ to learn game In classroom learning, frequently collaboration and use of outside resources as shortcuts can be considered dishonest, unless the activity is specifically designed with collaboration in mind. It is important to note that such practices are sometimes considered acceptable strategies in the gaming world, and students may not understand the differences between ethics in the gaming world and those of the classroom unless these are directly taught.
Learning strategies emphasized in the traditional classroom tend to most often include repetition (practice), innovation (thinking of new ways to solve problems), and observation (watching the teacher demonstrate). Role play, or pretending to take on the identity of an expert to learn to think like one, is less often used. This study reveals that boys who play adventure games, one of the more popular game genres, tend to approach learning with this strategy. In addition, girls use this strategy equally as often as boys when learning to play games in general. Besides the seeming preference for this strategy among students, this approach has been lauded among learning theorists, both within and without a technological context, who have advised that taking on a role or identity is one of the most effective ways of learning to think in new ways and learn new subject matter (Gee, 2003; Turkle, 1995; Vygotsky, 1978).Results of this study also reveal that boys and girls both use the repetition strategy to learn games. Educators should note, however, that repetition in game play is a motivating factor because ability and success tend to increase with each attempt. If repetition in classroom learning is not associated with these immediate gains, students may more quickly become frustrated and give up because it is not providing the rewards to which they are accustomed in game play.
學習策略強調在傳統的教室往往最通常包括重複(實踐),創新(思維的新方法來解決問題),並觀察(看老師示範)。角色扮演,或假裝的身份參加的專家,學會這樣想的,是不經常使用。這項研究表明,男孩誰玩冒險遊戲,其中一個比較流行的遊戲類型,往往與這個戰略方針的學習。此外,女孩也同樣使用這個戰略和男孩經常玩遊戲時學習一般。除了這一戰略似乎偏愛學生,這種方法已被稱讚班級學習的理論家,既沒有的技術背景下,誰曾表示接受在角色或身份是一個最有效的途徑學習新的思考學習的方法和新的題材(吉,2003年; Turkle,1995;維果茨基,1978)。這項研究結果也顯示,男孩和女孩都使用了重複學習策略遊戲。教育者應該注意,但是,在遊戲中,重複播放,是一種激勵因素,因為能力和成功往往會增加每一次嘗試。如果重複課堂學習是不是與這些直接收益,學生可以更迅速地變得沮喪,放棄,因為它不提供獎勵他們所習慣的遊戲。
In exploring children’s motivations for choosing the vide games they play, psychological factors seem to play more of a role than programming factors within the games. Children choose to play games about topics that already interest them and games that are challenging, as well as games that give them freedom to make choices. The ultimate video game experience may also be the ultimate learning experience for children: one that relates to something that interests them, gives them the freedom to make their own choices without too many rules and restrictions, and one that provides a significant challenge. Additionally, the differences between the way girls and boys prefer to approach video games may play a role in other types of learning. While the differences will not hold true for every child, parents and educators may find that they can motivate some boys by allowing them to role play and think like a character to accomplish a goal. They may also find that many girls want the opportunity to explore for themselves in familiar learning environments, and that they may prefer to have some observation time before participating in unfamiliar learning environments. Finally, this study supports the view that children will be attracted to learning environments with content that interests and challenges them. It reveals that fewer children are using video games to avoid thinking but, on the contrary, many are seeking mental challenge and are eager to learn from the games.
5.2. Limitations
The most obvious limitation of these analyses is that they are correlational. Cause and effect cannot be determined so we cannot discern, from this research, whether certain types of games are more likely to elicit certain learning strategies in children, or if those children who were already predisposed toward a certain strategy tend to choose particular genres of games. The students who participated in this study were volunteers, so different results may have been obtained if all students participated or if a random sample of students were obtained. Finally, this research included all types of video game play, as defined by the children themselves. It may be beneficial for future research to use a more narrow definition of video game play, as well as more narrow definitions of the types of games played to further analyze habits and strategies used in each genre of game.
5.1. Discussion
By using knowledge of how children learn in video games, we have more information to help us determine with which games children may be more likely to engage in learning strategies that encourage the development of critical thinking skills, imagination,and creativity. Further, this knowledge of how children learn in the video game world may lead to developments in designing educational video game products and serious games, and possibly even to modi?cations of learning environments in the classroom. Gee (2003) noted the disparity between the learning environments of video gamers, who are engaged in learning games, with students in traditional school environments, who are given little control over their own learning. He recommends that learning principles from video game design can be used to understand the way children are learning in games, whichmay ultimately lead to modification of classroom instruction to make school learning more relevant to students.
Video games have, in part, been blamed for children’s waning ability to engage in creative play (Cordes & Miler, 2000; Healy,1998). Contrary to that belief, adventure games in particular may encourage boys to try on a new identity and imagine what it would be like to be in the fantasy world created by the game, to make decisions that make sense in that fantasy world. Vygotsky (1978) posited that children come to recognize and appreciate social norms, especially adult roles, by playing. Through play, children have the capacity to pretend and temporarily take on a different identity. Out of all the video game genres explored in this study, it seems that children (and boys in particular) are most likely to engage in this positive form of creative play and imagining when playing adventure games. Action games encourage simple repetition, which may not be as intellectually stimulating as other genres of games, but may encourage patience and perseverance. Important elements of action games that encourage repetition without undue frustration are immediate feedback, rewards for improvement, and lack of punishment for repeated failure (Gee, 2003). It should be noted, however, that the correlational nature of the relationship makes it unclear whether the games of a particular genre encourage children to use certain learning strategies or if children tend to choose games of the genre that requires their preferred learning style to succeed based on game design.
This study gives preliminary evidence that girls, more often than boys, prefer to learn games through innovative strategies and exploration. When playing adventure games, however, they tend to prefer observing others before playing themselves. This is an interesting paradox between tendencies toward observation and tendencies toward exploration. The difference may be due differences in the game genres. Adventure games take place in fantasy worlds, each with its unique set of rules and customs. Perhaps when placed in such a new and open-ended environment girls would prefer to gain knowledge from watching someone else’ successes and failures before participating themselves. The other types of game play, however – simulation, educational, and action games – tend to be more concrete. The girls in this study were inclined to play simulations such as The Sims and Zoo Tycoon, as well as Webkinz games. The worlds in which these games take place are more similar to the real world, and thus provide a sense of familiarity. This study indicates that in these circumstances, girls prefer to use innovative strategies and to be able to explore the tools and activities available in the game. Further research is needed to see if this translates to learning styles in other contexts besides video games. If so, it would suggest that girls should be given freedom to explore and try new things in educational situations that are familiar to them, and that they may prefer to watch others before participating in new and unfamiliar learning environments.
這項研究提供了初步證據表明,女孩比男孩更經常,更喜歡通過遊戲學習和探索創新戰略。當玩冒險遊戲,但是,他們往往更喜歡觀察別人在玩自己。這是一個有趣的悖論與趨勢走向和趨勢的觀察對探索。這種差別可能是由於不同的遊戲類型。冒險遊戲發生在幻想世界,每個國家都有它獨特的一套規則和習慣。也許,當放置在這樣一個新的和開放式的環境女孩寧願獲得的知識,從看別人的成功與失敗之前參加自己。其他類型的遊戲,但是 - 模擬,教育,和動作遊戲 - 往往更加具體。女孩們在這項研究中傾向於玩模擬,如模擬人生和動物園大亨,以及Webkinz遊戲。世界在發生這些遊戲更接近現實世界,從而提供了一個熟悉感。這項研究表明,在這種情況下,女孩喜歡用創新的戰略,並能夠探索的工具和活動提供在遊戲中。需要進一步研究,看是否能轉化為學習風格在其他情況下,除了視頻遊戲。如果是的話,它會建議,女孩應給予自由探索和嘗試新事物的教育情況是很熟悉他們,他們可能更喜歡看別人之前,參與新的和陌生的學習環境。
In video games children are free to try a number of learning strategies. Knowing the ways children choose to learn when they are engaged in an independent activity such as video games may help guide parents and educators in encouraging different styles of learning in other educational contexts. This study also showed that boys are more likely than girls to use ‘cheats’ to learn game In classroom learning, frequently collaboration and use of outside resources as shortcuts can be considered dishonest, unless the activity is specifically designed with collaboration in mind. It is important to note that such practices are sometimes considered acceptable strategies in the gaming world, and students may not understand the differences between ethics in the gaming world and those of the classroom unless these are directly taught.
Learning strategies emphasized in the traditional classroom tend to most often include repetition (practice), innovation (thinking of new ways to solve problems), and observation (watching the teacher demonstrate). Role play, or pretending to take on the identity of an expert to learn to think like one, is less often used. This study reveals that boys who play adventure games, one of the more popular game genres, tend to approach learning with this strategy. In addition, girls use this strategy equally as often as boys when learning to play games in general. Besides the seeming preference for this strategy among students, this approach has been lauded among learning theorists, both within and without a technological context, who have advised that taking on a role or identity is one of the most effective ways of learning to think in new ways and learn new subject matter (Gee, 2003; Turkle, 1995; Vygotsky, 1978).Results of this study also reveal that boys and girls both use the repetition strategy to learn games. Educators should note, however, that repetition in game play is a motivating factor because ability and success tend to increase with each attempt. If repetition in classroom learning is not associated with these immediate gains, students may more quickly become frustrated and give up because it is not providing the rewards to which they are accustomed in game play.
學習策略強調在傳統的教室往往最通常包括重複(實踐),創新(思維的新方法來解決問題),並觀察(看老師示範)。角色扮演,或假裝的身份參加的專家,學會這樣想的,是不經常使用。這項研究表明,男孩誰玩冒險遊戲,其中一個比較流行的遊戲類型,往往與這個戰略方針的學習。此外,女孩也同樣使用這個戰略和男孩經常玩遊戲時學習一般。除了這一戰略似乎偏愛學生,這種方法已被稱讚班級學習的理論家,既沒有的技術背景下,誰曾表示接受在角色或身份是一個最有效的途徑學習新的思考學習的方法和新的題材(吉,2003年; Turkle,1995;維果茨基,1978)。這項研究結果也顯示,男孩和女孩都使用了重複學習策略遊戲。教育者應該注意,但是,在遊戲中,重複播放,是一種激勵因素,因為能力和成功往往會增加每一次嘗試。如果重複課堂學習是不是與這些直接收益,學生可以更迅速地變得沮喪,放棄,因為它不提供獎勵他們所習慣的遊戲。
In exploring children’s motivations for choosing the vide games they play, psychological factors seem to play more of a role than programming factors within the games. Children choose to play games about topics that already interest them and games that are challenging, as well as games that give them freedom to make choices. The ultimate video game experience may also be the ultimate learning experience for children: one that relates to something that interests them, gives them the freedom to make their own choices without too many rules and restrictions, and one that provides a significant challenge. Additionally, the differences between the way girls and boys prefer to approach video games may play a role in other types of learning. While the differences will not hold true for every child, parents and educators may find that they can motivate some boys by allowing them to role play and think like a character to accomplish a goal. They may also find that many girls want the opportunity to explore for themselves in familiar learning environments, and that they may prefer to have some observation time before participating in unfamiliar learning environments. Finally, this study supports the view that children will be attracted to learning environments with content that interests and challenges them. It reveals that fewer children are using video games to avoid thinking but, on the contrary, many are seeking mental challenge and are eager to learn from the games.
5.2. Limitations
The most obvious limitation of these analyses is that they are correlational. Cause and effect cannot be determined so we cannot discern, from this research, whether certain types of games are more likely to elicit certain learning strategies in children, or if those children who were already predisposed toward a certain strategy tend to choose particular genres of games. The students who participated in this study were volunteers, so different results may have been obtained if all students participated or if a random sample of students were obtained. Finally, this research included all types of video game play, as defined by the children themselves. It may be beneficial for future research to use a more narrow definition of video game play, as well as more narrow definitions of the types of games played to further analyze habits and strategies used in each genre of game.
2011年5月4日 星期三
2011/5/5 Paper閱讀摘錄
4. Results
4.1. Video game play habits
Table 2 shows the genres of the games reported by participants and mean playing time by hours in a typical week for each. The genre most reported was action, with 56% of students reporting a game of this genre as the one they play most often. Simulation and adventure games were next most frequently reported, but far behind action games, with 19% and 16%, respectively. Educational and traditional games were least often the games that students play, with only 9% identifying a game of this genre. Students who reported playing adventure games had the highest mean playing time of the four comprehensive genres.
4.2. Relationships between game genres and learning strategies
Chi-square analyses revealed significant relationships between genre and strategy for two of the learning strategies: repetition (Table 3) and role play (Table 4). Children who played action games were more likely to use the repetition strategy to learn the game than were those who played adventure, simulation, and educational games . Those who played adventure games were more likely to use their imaginations to take on the identity of the character in the game and think like the character would in order to improve at the game.
It is notable that use of repetition may be considered a less creative strategy, while role playing might be considered a more creative strategy for learning something new. This is a noteworthy finding because researchers have hypothesized about the types of cognition required for video games and their relationships to other types of learning. According to Squire (2006), game players must approach the game as a world in and of itself, and must take on the identity of the characters in the game in order to make appropriate decisions within the game. Similarly, Gee (2003) noted the connection between learning the ‘‘internal design grammar” of a game and the ability to try on different identities within various learning contexts. These results show that children tend to use this strategy and make such connections more readily within what they classify as adventure games, more so than in typical action games. Relationships between cognition and game play are likely to be dependent upon the context and characteristics of the particular games played.
卡方分析,發現重大流派之間的關係和策略兩個學習策略:重複(見表 3)和角色扮演(見表 4)。誰玩動作遊戲的兒童更容易使用的重複學習策略遊戲比是那些誰發揮冒險,仿真和教育遊戲。那些誰發揮冒險遊戲更有可能利用自己的想像去研究解決身份的人物在遊戲中的角色,並認為這樣會為了改善遊戲。
值得注意的是,重複使用可被視為一個不太創作策略,角色扮演,而可能被認為是一個更有創造性的戰略學習新的東西。這是一個值得注意的發現,因為研究人員推測的種類認知所需的視頻遊戲和他們的關係,其他類型的學習。據誇爾(2006),遊戲玩家必須接近遊戲,世界和自己,而且必須採取的身份的人物在遊戲中,以作出適當的決定,在遊戲中。同樣,吉(2003)指出,學習 ''之間的連接的內部設計文法“的遊戲,並能夠嘗試不同的身份在不同的學習環境。這些結果表明,兒童傾向於使用這一策略,使這種連接更容易在什麼他們歸類為冒險遊戲,遠遠超過在典型的動作遊戲。關係認知和遊戲很可能會依賴於環境和特點的特定場比賽。
4.3. Gender differences in relationships between genres and strategies
Prior research has given evidence that boys and girls tend to prefer different types of video games (Livingstone & Bovill, 1999;Lucas & Sherry, 2004). Table 5 shows the game genres played most frequently by each gender. Males overwhelmingly preferred action games, while females were fairly evenly split between action and simulation games.
To further explore these relationships, the same Chi-square tests of association between genre and learning strategy were conducted for males and females separately. Among males alone,there was still a significant relationship between genre of video game played and use of the repetition strategy. Boys who played action games and educational games were more likely to use the strategy of repetition to learn the games, while those who played simulation and adventure games were less likely to use this strategy. For males, there was also still a significant relationship between genre of video game played and use of the role play strategy , with those who played adventure games being more likely to use the role play strategy.
When female data was analyzed separately, they did not have these significant relationships between genre and use of the repetition strategy or the role play strategy. They did, however, experience a significant relationship between genre of video game played and use of the observation strategy. Girls who played adventure games were more likely to learn by watching others play than girls who played action, simulation, or educational games.
4.4. Strategies by gender and time
Use of these strategies to learn video games in general, regardless of the genre of the game, was also explored. A comparison was made of learning strategies by gender (Table 6). Chi-square tests of association revealed that girls were more likely than boys to use the innovation strategy , to observe others , and to explore when learning to play their favorite video games. The association between girls and preference to explore in video games is consistent with previous research (Kinzie & Joseph, 2008). Boys were more likely than girls to use cheats, referring to both friends and codes, to learn to play video games. Girls and boys were equally likely to use the other two strategies, repetition and role play, when learning games. It should be noted that the word cheats does not,in this context, refer to cheating in the sense of dishonesty, but is a general term used to refer to use of things such as cheat codes (codes programmed into the game to change the game play in various ways, often available on the Internet) and glitching (unintentional programming flaws that, when found, allow the player to do things that may not otherwise be possible), as well as asking friends and using other resources besides oneself or the provided manual to complete the game. The final comparison was that of game-learning strategies
based on time children spend playing video games in a typical week. Children reported the number of hours they play video games in a typical week during the school year. The median was 3 h per week, and the mean was 3.55 h per week. Thus, for this analysis, students were divided into two time categories: those who play 0–3 h in a typical week, and those who play more than 3 h in a typical week. Results of the Chi-square tests revealed that those who play video games more often were more likely than their counterparts to use the repetition strategy and to use cheat codes to learn to play video games (Table 7). Children who played more and less frequently in a typical week were equally likely to use the other four strategies to learn to play video games. The more frequent use of the repetition strategy for children who play more often is most likely explained by the fact that action games are most popular among frequent gamers. In fact, because children who play video games more frequently tend to play exclusively action and adventure games, the Chi-square analysis of the other two genres and strategies could not be used in this portion of the analysis. Use of cheats by more frequent gamers is likely due to the fact that these players are more involved in the gaming community and know how to find resources such as cheat codes.
使用這些策略,學習視頻遊戲一般,無論體裁的遊戲,進行了探討。一個比較了學習策略的性別(表6)。卡方檢驗表明,結社女孩比男孩更有可能使用的創新戰略,以觀察別人,並探討在學習自己喜歡玩視頻遊戲。女孩之間的關聯和偏好,探討視頻遊戲是一致的,過去的研究(坎齊和約瑟夫,2008)。男孩比女孩更容易使用作弊,指的朋友和代碼,要學會玩視頻遊戲。女孩和男孩同樣可能使用其他兩種策略,重複和角色扮演,當學習遊戲。應當指出,這個詞不作弊,在這方面,是指在這個意義上作弊的不誠實,但它是一個通用術語,用來指使用的事物,如信息(代碼編程到遊戲改變遊戲發揮各種方式,經常在互聯網上公佈)和毛刺(無意編程缺陷,當發現,允許玩家做的事情,可能無法得到的可能),以及詢問朋友和其他資源,除了利用自己或所提供的手工來完成遊戲。最後的比較是,遊戲的學習策略基於時間花在玩視頻遊戲的孩子在一個典型的一周。孩子們報告了他們的小時數玩視頻遊戲在一個典型的一周在學校的一年。中位數為每週 3小時,平均每週為 3.55 ħ。因此,對於這種分析,學生們分成兩個時間類:
誰玩0-3 H在一個典型的一周,如果誰玩超過 3小時在一個典型的一周。結果卡方測試結果表明,那些誰更經常玩視頻遊戲更有可能較其對應的重複使用的策略,並利用信息來學習玩視頻遊戲(表7)。孩子誰發揮越來越少經常在典型的一周也同樣可能使用其他四個戰略要學會玩視頻遊戲。越頻繁使用重複戰略發揮更大的兒童往往是誰最有可能解釋的是,最流行的動作遊戲中常見的玩家。事實上,因為孩子們誰更經常玩視頻遊戲,往往只玩動作和冒險遊戲,卡方分析其他兩個類型和策略不能用於這部分的分析。使用欺騙玩家通過更頻繁的可能是由於這一事實,即這些球員更多地參與遊戲社區,知道如何尋找資源,如信息。
4.5. Motivation for playing the chosen video game
Students wrote 1–2 sentences explaining why they like the game that they playmost often and the game that they play second most often. After these answers were transcribed, a matrix was developed to illustrate the types of reasons cited by students. Each student reason was labeled by specific category (e.g. violence, choices) using the words of the student response when appropriate. Working in reverse, these categories were then classified as psychological, physical, mental, characteristics of the game itself, and other. This matrix is shown in Fig. 1. Two researchers independently coded and classified each student response into one of the final categories shown above (e.g.identity, success, violence, interest in subject). The researchers reached a significant and acceptable level of agreement with a correlation of .72, p < .01. Single codes for each response were then agreed upon. Results of this classification revealed that the overwhelming majority of the students cited psychological, cognitive,and visceral reasons for playing the games they play (81.7%), as opposed to reasons based on characteristics of the games (12.6%) and physical reasons (2.5%). This is consistent with recent research (Ryan et al., 2006;Yee, 2007) showing that people are motivated to play video gamesmore by psychological andmental factors than by particular qualities of the games themselves. This study, however, extends these findings to elementary school-aged children, whereas most previous research in this area has been conducted with college students and other adults. The categories containing the highest percentages of students were Interest in subject (25.8%), Freedom from restrictions (13.9%), and Challenge (12.7%). Those with an interest in the subject of the game usually reported that they participate in the real activity and thus enjoy playing a game simulation that relates to their interests. For example, students said ‘‘I love playing guitar in re life and I love music,” ‘‘Because it has to do with hockey and lately I have been interested in hockey,” and ‘‘I like this game because I love dogs.” Having an interest in the subject matter of a game is difficult to classify as psychological, cognitive, or visceral, since it most likely incorporates elements of all three. In addition, the topics that interest the students may have rich cultural associations, but in an effort to identify the primary motivation for game play,interests were classified as a combination of psychological, cognitive, and visceral.
學生寫 1-2句話解釋為什麼他們喜歡的遊戲,他們 playmost經常和他們玩的遊戲,第二個最頻繁。經過這些答案謄寫,開發了一個矩陣來說明所列舉的原因類型的學生。每個學生的原因是標記的特定類別(如暴力,選擇)使用的話對學生的反應適當的時候。工作在反向,這些類別,然後歸類為心理,生理,心理,遊戲本身特點,及其他。這個矩陣圖所示。 1。兩位研究者獨立編號和分類的每一個學生的反應為一類的最後上面(egidentity,成功,暴力,興趣主題)。研究人員達到了顯著的和可以接受的水平的協議,相關 .72,p值“0.01。每個響應碼單,然後商定。這種分類結果顯示,絕大多數的學生引心理,認知和內臟的原因玩遊戲他們玩(81.7%),而不是原因,特點的基礎上的遊戲(12.6%)和物理原因(2.5 %)。這與最近的研究(Ryan等。,2006;怡,2007年)顯示,人們的動機是玩視頻遊戲更多的心理因素比andmental特別是對遊戲本身的素質。這項研究,然而,這些研究結果延伸到小學適齡兒童,而以往大多數的研究在這方面進行了具有大專以上學生和其他成人。這些類別包括比例最高的學生興趣的主題(25.8%),免於限制(13.9%),與挑戰(12.7%)。那些有興趣在主題的遊戲通常報告說,他們參與的活動,從而真正享受玩遊戲的模擬,涉及到他們的利益。例如,學生們說 ''我愛彈吉他,重新生活,我喜歡音樂,“'',因為它必須做曲棍球,最近我一直感興趣的曲棍球,”和''我喜歡這個遊戲,因為我很喜歡狗。“擁有的權益該標的物的一個遊戲是難以歸類為心理,認知,或內臟,因為它最有可能包含三個要素。此外,學生感興趣的主題可能有豐富的文化協會,但在努力查明的主要動機,遊戲,興趣被列為組合的心理,認知和內臟。
Students whose primary motivation for playing was freedom from restrictions reported being able to do ‘‘almost anythin and to make choices for themselves. This suggests a longing for independence and freedom. This category also included the freedom to make violent choices within the game. There have long been concerns over violence in video games, and a large percentage of children in this study reported that the reason they like the game they play most often is because it allows them to participate in violent activities. Examples of student responses relating to violence were: ‘‘I can run over mail men, dogs, and more,” ‘‘beca can nock people throw the glass” (sic.), ‘‘I get to kill people,” and like it because you get to punch and kill others.” It is alread known that children, particularly boys, tend to play violent video games frequently (Ferguson et al., 2008; Funk, Buchman, & Germann, 2000; Gentile, Lynch, Linder, & Walsh, 2004). While there is a great deal of research on the potential effects of playing these violent games on behavior, there is less research on the reasons why children choose to play these games. It may be hypothesized that the violent games happen to be those with better graphics,plots, or action. This study, however, shows that many children ?primarily boys – report choosing video games speci?cally becaus of the violent content they are able to experience within it.
學生演奏,其主要動機是自由之限制報告說,幾乎可以做到'':我在和自己作出選擇。這表明一個渴望獨立和自由。這一類還包括自由作出選擇,在遊戲中的暴力。早就有擔憂暴力視頻遊戲,還有很大一部分兒童在這項研究報告說,他們之所以喜歡玩的遊戲,他們往往是因為它允許他們參與暴力活動。學生的反應的例子涉及暴力是:''我可以跨越郵件的人,狗,等等,“''貝科能諾克人扔玻璃”(sic.),''我去殺人,“像因為你去衝,並殺害他人。“這是alread知道,兒童,尤其是男生,往往會經常玩暴力電子遊戲(弗格森等人。,2008;馮克,布赫曼,與格爾曼,2000;詹蒂萊,林奇,林德,&沃爾什,2004)。雖然是一個很大的潛在影響研究玩暴力遊戲對這些行為,但研究較少的原因,為什麼這些孩子選擇玩遊戲。這可能是推測,發生暴力遊戲是那些與更好的圖形,圖表,或行動。這項研究結果則顯示,許多孩子?主要男孩 - 選擇視頻遊戲 speci報告?和Cally becaus的暴力內容,他們都能夠體驗到在其中。
Finally, many students reported that they enjoy games when ‘‘it challenges you,” when ‘‘it is really hard,” and when ‘‘you have to really think.” These children reported the challenge or thinking required for the game to be the primary reason they like playing the games they play. It is an important discovery to note that children enjoy a challenge and will seek out games that are difficult and require thinking, which is also consistent with prior research (Downes, 2002). This contradicts common assumptions that children are being cognitively lazy when playing video games. It also suggests to parents and educators that if children are not engaged during their formal schooling, making the work easier may not provide increased engagement but might, in fact, decrease engagement even further.
4.1. Video game play habits
Table 2 shows the genres of the games reported by participants and mean playing time by hours in a typical week for each. The genre most reported was action, with 56% of students reporting a game of this genre as the one they play most often. Simulation and adventure games were next most frequently reported, but far behind action games, with 19% and 16%, respectively. Educational and traditional games were least often the games that students play, with only 9% identifying a game of this genre. Students who reported playing adventure games had the highest mean playing time of the four comprehensive genres.
4.2. Relationships between game genres and learning strategies
Chi-square analyses revealed significant relationships between genre and strategy for two of the learning strategies: repetition (Table 3) and role play (Table 4). Children who played action games were more likely to use the repetition strategy to learn the game than were those who played adventure, simulation, and educational games . Those who played adventure games were more likely to use their imaginations to take on the identity of the character in the game and think like the character would in order to improve at the game.
It is notable that use of repetition may be considered a less creative strategy, while role playing might be considered a more creative strategy for learning something new. This is a noteworthy finding because researchers have hypothesized about the types of cognition required for video games and their relationships to other types of learning. According to Squire (2006), game players must approach the game as a world in and of itself, and must take on the identity of the characters in the game in order to make appropriate decisions within the game. Similarly, Gee (2003) noted the connection between learning the ‘‘internal design grammar” of a game and the ability to try on different identities within various learning contexts. These results show that children tend to use this strategy and make such connections more readily within what they classify as adventure games, more so than in typical action games. Relationships between cognition and game play are likely to be dependent upon the context and characteristics of the particular games played.
卡方分析,發現重大流派之間的關係和策略兩個學習策略:重複(見表 3)和角色扮演(見表 4)。誰玩動作遊戲的兒童更容易使用的重複學習策略遊戲比是那些誰發揮冒險,仿真和教育遊戲。那些誰發揮冒險遊戲更有可能利用自己的想像去研究解決身份的人物在遊戲中的角色,並認為這樣會為了改善遊戲。
值得注意的是,重複使用可被視為一個不太創作策略,角色扮演,而可能被認為是一個更有創造性的戰略學習新的東西。這是一個值得注意的發現,因為研究人員推測的種類認知所需的視頻遊戲和他們的關係,其他類型的學習。據誇爾(2006),遊戲玩家必須接近遊戲,世界和自己,而且必須採取的身份的人物在遊戲中,以作出適當的決定,在遊戲中。同樣,吉(2003)指出,學習 ''之間的連接的內部設計文法“的遊戲,並能夠嘗試不同的身份在不同的學習環境。這些結果表明,兒童傾向於使用這一策略,使這種連接更容易在什麼他們歸類為冒險遊戲,遠遠超過在典型的動作遊戲。關係認知和遊戲很可能會依賴於環境和特點的特定場比賽。
4.3. Gender differences in relationships between genres and strategies
Prior research has given evidence that boys and girls tend to prefer different types of video games (Livingstone & Bovill, 1999;Lucas & Sherry, 2004). Table 5 shows the game genres played most frequently by each gender. Males overwhelmingly preferred action games, while females were fairly evenly split between action and simulation games.
To further explore these relationships, the same Chi-square tests of association between genre and learning strategy were conducted for males and females separately. Among males alone,there was still a significant relationship between genre of video game played and use of the repetition strategy. Boys who played action games and educational games were more likely to use the strategy of repetition to learn the games, while those who played simulation and adventure games were less likely to use this strategy. For males, there was also still a significant relationship between genre of video game played and use of the role play strategy , with those who played adventure games being more likely to use the role play strategy.
When female data was analyzed separately, they did not have these significant relationships between genre and use of the repetition strategy or the role play strategy. They did, however, experience a significant relationship between genre of video game played and use of the observation strategy. Girls who played adventure games were more likely to learn by watching others play than girls who played action, simulation, or educational games.
4.4. Strategies by gender and time
Use of these strategies to learn video games in general, regardless of the genre of the game, was also explored. A comparison was made of learning strategies by gender (Table 6). Chi-square tests of association revealed that girls were more likely than boys to use the innovation strategy , to observe others , and to explore when learning to play their favorite video games. The association between girls and preference to explore in video games is consistent with previous research (Kinzie & Joseph, 2008). Boys were more likely than girls to use cheats, referring to both friends and codes, to learn to play video games. Girls and boys were equally likely to use the other two strategies, repetition and role play, when learning games. It should be noted that the word cheats does not,in this context, refer to cheating in the sense of dishonesty, but is a general term used to refer to use of things such as cheat codes (codes programmed into the game to change the game play in various ways, often available on the Internet) and glitching (unintentional programming flaws that, when found, allow the player to do things that may not otherwise be possible), as well as asking friends and using other resources besides oneself or the provided manual to complete the game. The final comparison was that of game-learning strategies
based on time children spend playing video games in a typical week. Children reported the number of hours they play video games in a typical week during the school year. The median was 3 h per week, and the mean was 3.55 h per week. Thus, for this analysis, students were divided into two time categories: those who play 0–3 h in a typical week, and those who play more than 3 h in a typical week. Results of the Chi-square tests revealed that those who play video games more often were more likely than their counterparts to use the repetition strategy and to use cheat codes to learn to play video games (Table 7). Children who played more and less frequently in a typical week were equally likely to use the other four strategies to learn to play video games. The more frequent use of the repetition strategy for children who play more often is most likely explained by the fact that action games are most popular among frequent gamers. In fact, because children who play video games more frequently tend to play exclusively action and adventure games, the Chi-square analysis of the other two genres and strategies could not be used in this portion of the analysis. Use of cheats by more frequent gamers is likely due to the fact that these players are more involved in the gaming community and know how to find resources such as cheat codes.
使用這些策略,學習視頻遊戲一般,無論體裁的遊戲,進行了探討。一個比較了學習策略的性別(表6)。卡方檢驗表明,結社女孩比男孩更有可能使用的創新戰略,以觀察別人,並探討在學習自己喜歡玩視頻遊戲。女孩之間的關聯和偏好,探討視頻遊戲是一致的,過去的研究(坎齊和約瑟夫,2008)。男孩比女孩更容易使用作弊,指的朋友和代碼,要學會玩視頻遊戲。女孩和男孩同樣可能使用其他兩種策略,重複和角色扮演,當學習遊戲。應當指出,這個詞不作弊,在這方面,是指在這個意義上作弊的不誠實,但它是一個通用術語,用來指使用的事物,如信息(代碼編程到遊戲改變遊戲發揮各種方式,經常在互聯網上公佈)和毛刺(無意編程缺陷,當發現,允許玩家做的事情,可能無法得到的可能),以及詢問朋友和其他資源,除了利用自己或所提供的手工來完成遊戲。最後的比較是,遊戲的學習策略基於時間花在玩視頻遊戲的孩子在一個典型的一周。孩子們報告了他們的小時數玩視頻遊戲在一個典型的一周在學校的一年。中位數為每週 3小時,平均每週為 3.55 ħ。因此,對於這種分析,學生們分成兩個時間類:
誰玩0-3 H在一個典型的一周,如果誰玩超過 3小時在一個典型的一周。結果卡方測試結果表明,那些誰更經常玩視頻遊戲更有可能較其對應的重複使用的策略,並利用信息來學習玩視頻遊戲(表7)。孩子誰發揮越來越少經常在典型的一周也同樣可能使用其他四個戰略要學會玩視頻遊戲。越頻繁使用重複戰略發揮更大的兒童往往是誰最有可能解釋的是,最流行的動作遊戲中常見的玩家。事實上,因為孩子們誰更經常玩視頻遊戲,往往只玩動作和冒險遊戲,卡方分析其他兩個類型和策略不能用於這部分的分析。使用欺騙玩家通過更頻繁的可能是由於這一事實,即這些球員更多地參與遊戲社區,知道如何尋找資源,如信息。
4.5. Motivation for playing the chosen video game
Students wrote 1–2 sentences explaining why they like the game that they playmost often and the game that they play second most often. After these answers were transcribed, a matrix was developed to illustrate the types of reasons cited by students. Each student reason was labeled by specific category (e.g. violence, choices) using the words of the student response when appropriate. Working in reverse, these categories were then classified as psychological, physical, mental, characteristics of the game itself, and other. This matrix is shown in Fig. 1. Two researchers independently coded and classified each student response into one of the final categories shown above (e.g.identity, success, violence, interest in subject). The researchers reached a significant and acceptable level of agreement with a correlation of .72, p < .01. Single codes for each response were then agreed upon. Results of this classification revealed that the overwhelming majority of the students cited psychological, cognitive,and visceral reasons for playing the games they play (81.7%), as opposed to reasons based on characteristics of the games (12.6%) and physical reasons (2.5%). This is consistent with recent research (Ryan et al., 2006;Yee, 2007) showing that people are motivated to play video gamesmore by psychological andmental factors than by particular qualities of the games themselves. This study, however, extends these findings to elementary school-aged children, whereas most previous research in this area has been conducted with college students and other adults. The categories containing the highest percentages of students were Interest in subject (25.8%), Freedom from restrictions (13.9%), and Challenge (12.7%). Those with an interest in the subject of the game usually reported that they participate in the real activity and thus enjoy playing a game simulation that relates to their interests. For example, students said ‘‘I love playing guitar in re life and I love music,” ‘‘Because it has to do with hockey and lately I have been interested in hockey,” and ‘‘I like this game because I love dogs.” Having an interest in the subject matter of a game is difficult to classify as psychological, cognitive, or visceral, since it most likely incorporates elements of all three. In addition, the topics that interest the students may have rich cultural associations, but in an effort to identify the primary motivation for game play,interests were classified as a combination of psychological, cognitive, and visceral.
學生寫 1-2句話解釋為什麼他們喜歡的遊戲,他們 playmost經常和他們玩的遊戲,第二個最頻繁。經過這些答案謄寫,開發了一個矩陣來說明所列舉的原因類型的學生。每個學生的原因是標記的特定類別(如暴力,選擇)使用的話對學生的反應適當的時候。工作在反向,這些類別,然後歸類為心理,生理,心理,遊戲本身特點,及其他。這個矩陣圖所示。 1。兩位研究者獨立編號和分類的每一個學生的反應為一類的最後上面(egidentity,成功,暴力,興趣主題)。研究人員達到了顯著的和可以接受的水平的協議,相關 .72,p值“0.01。每個響應碼單,然後商定。這種分類結果顯示,絕大多數的學生引心理,認知和內臟的原因玩遊戲他們玩(81.7%),而不是原因,特點的基礎上的遊戲(12.6%)和物理原因(2.5 %)。這與最近的研究(Ryan等。,2006;怡,2007年)顯示,人們的動機是玩視頻遊戲更多的心理因素比andmental特別是對遊戲本身的素質。這項研究,然而,這些研究結果延伸到小學適齡兒童,而以往大多數的研究在這方面進行了具有大專以上學生和其他成人。這些類別包括比例最高的學生興趣的主題(25.8%),免於限制(13.9%),與挑戰(12.7%)。那些有興趣在主題的遊戲通常報告說,他們參與的活動,從而真正享受玩遊戲的模擬,涉及到他們的利益。例如,學生們說 ''我愛彈吉他,重新生活,我喜歡音樂,“'',因為它必須做曲棍球,最近我一直感興趣的曲棍球,”和''我喜歡這個遊戲,因為我很喜歡狗。“擁有的權益該標的物的一個遊戲是難以歸類為心理,認知,或內臟,因為它最有可能包含三個要素。此外,學生感興趣的主題可能有豐富的文化協會,但在努力查明的主要動機,遊戲,興趣被列為組合的心理,認知和內臟。
Students whose primary motivation for playing was freedom from restrictions reported being able to do ‘‘almost anythin and to make choices for themselves. This suggests a longing for independence and freedom. This category also included the freedom to make violent choices within the game. There have long been concerns over violence in video games, and a large percentage of children in this study reported that the reason they like the game they play most often is because it allows them to participate in violent activities. Examples of student responses relating to violence were: ‘‘I can run over mail men, dogs, and more,” ‘‘beca can nock people throw the glass” (sic.), ‘‘I get to kill people,” and like it because you get to punch and kill others.” It is alread known that children, particularly boys, tend to play violent video games frequently (Ferguson et al., 2008; Funk, Buchman, & Germann, 2000; Gentile, Lynch, Linder, & Walsh, 2004). While there is a great deal of research on the potential effects of playing these violent games on behavior, there is less research on the reasons why children choose to play these games. It may be hypothesized that the violent games happen to be those with better graphics,plots, or action. This study, however, shows that many children ?primarily boys – report choosing video games speci?cally becaus of the violent content they are able to experience within it.
學生演奏,其主要動機是自由之限制報告說,幾乎可以做到'':我在和自己作出選擇。這表明一個渴望獨立和自由。這一類還包括自由作出選擇,在遊戲中的暴力。早就有擔憂暴力視頻遊戲,還有很大一部分兒童在這項研究報告說,他們之所以喜歡玩的遊戲,他們往往是因為它允許他們參與暴力活動。學生的反應的例子涉及暴力是:''我可以跨越郵件的人,狗,等等,“''貝科能諾克人扔玻璃”(sic.),''我去殺人,“像因為你去衝,並殺害他人。“這是alread知道,兒童,尤其是男生,往往會經常玩暴力電子遊戲(弗格森等人。,2008;馮克,布赫曼,與格爾曼,2000;詹蒂萊,林奇,林德,&沃爾什,2004)。雖然是一個很大的潛在影響研究玩暴力遊戲對這些行為,但研究較少的原因,為什麼這些孩子選擇玩遊戲。這可能是推測,發生暴力遊戲是那些與更好的圖形,圖表,或行動。這項研究結果則顯示,許多孩子?主要男孩 - 選擇視頻遊戲 speci報告?和Cally becaus的暴力內容,他們都能夠體驗到在其中。
Finally, many students reported that they enjoy games when ‘‘it challenges you,” when ‘‘it is really hard,” and when ‘‘you have to really think.” These children reported the challenge or thinking required for the game to be the primary reason they like playing the games they play. It is an important discovery to note that children enjoy a challenge and will seek out games that are difficult and require thinking, which is also consistent with prior research (Downes, 2002). This contradicts common assumptions that children are being cognitively lazy when playing video games. It also suggests to parents and educators that if children are not engaged during their formal schooling, making the work easier may not provide increased engagement but might, in fact, decrease engagement even further.
2011年5月3日 星期二
2011/5/4 Paper閱讀摘錄
3. Methodology
3.1. Participants and measures One hundred eighteen fourth- and fifth-grade children from four American public schools each completed a survey about his or her video game play habits. The survey was conducted in conjunction with a larger study exploring video game play and creativity in children (Hamlen, 2009). This survey asked participants about their access to video games, the amount of time they typically spend playing video games, and asked them to name two video games they play most often. The students and the researcher, with a high level of agreement, both classified each game into one of 14 genres: Action, Sports, Racing, Platform, Music,Adventure, Role play, Survival horror, Simulation, Massively Multiplayer Online Game, Strategy, Puzzle, Traditional, and Educational. This list of genres was developed using classifications found in Wikipedia (Video game genres, 2009) because these are definitions and classifications generated primarily from gamers themselves. For each game, the child then checked off which of six strategies,if any, (s)he uses to learn and improve in that game. Children also responded to an open-ended question about why they like the games they play.
A parent or guardian of each participant also completed a survey, which was used to verify student time estimates. Both the parent and the student were asked to estimate the number of hours the student spent playing video games ‘this past week.’ The corrlation between parent and student time estimates was .56, a moderate correlation which is significant at the .01 level. A matched t-test showed that there was not a signi?cant difference between these two means (t103 =.542, p = .601). Since parent time estimates support the reliability of student time estimates, student time estimates were used for the remainder of the analyses.
3.1。參與者和措施,其中一項 118名四年級和五年級的孩子從公立學校每四個美國完成的一項調查顯示他或她的視頻遊戲的習慣。這項調查是在一個較大的結合研究,探討視頻遊戲和創造力,兒童(哈姆倫,2009)。這項調查要求參與者對進入視頻遊戲,其數額通常花費時間,他們玩視頻遊戲,並要求他們說出兩個視頻遊戲他們玩的次數最多。學生和研究人員,具有較高水平的協議,每場比賽都歸類為以下14個類型:動作,體育遊戲,賽車,平台,音樂,冒險,角色扮演,恐怖生存,模擬,大型多人在線遊戲,戰略,益智,傳統和教育。這份清單的類型是發達國家使用的分類發現在維基百科(視頻遊戲類型,2009年),因為這些都是產生的定義和分類主要來自玩家自己。對於每一個遊戲,然後檢查了這些孩子的六大策略,如果有的話,他(她)用來學習和提高在那場比賽。孩子們還回答了一個開放式問題,為何他們喜歡的遊戲,他們玩。
父母或監護人的每一個參與者也完成了一項調查,這是用來驗證學生的時間估計。無論是家長和學生被要求估計數個小時的學生花在玩電子遊戲'在過去的一周。'的家長和學生之間 corrlation時間估算為 0.56,這是一個溫和的相關性在0.01水平顯著。一個配對 t -檢驗表明,沒有一個找出所有的差異這兩個手段(t103 =. 542,p值= 0.601)。由於家長的時間估計支持學生時代的可靠性估計,學生的時間估計是用於餘下的分析。
3.2. Genres and strategies
Chi-square analyses were used to explore possible relationships between the types of video games played and the strategies children use to learn those games. The game genres were collapsed from 14 to 4 different genres based on conceptual relationships in order to meet the assumptions of the Chi-square tests. Action, sports, racing, platform, and music genres all focus primarily on movement and motions. These were combined to form one Action group. Adventure, role play, and survival horror games are conceptually related because they involve problem-solving within a storyline. These were combined to formthe Adventure group. Simulation and Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) both involve simulation and representation of reality, and were combined to form the Simulation genre. Finally, strategy, puzzle, traditional, and educational games all focus on games with learning and problem solving that have and can be played without technology, such as drill-and-practice quizzes and board games like chess. These formed the Educational/Traditional group. Other possible ways to group the genres were considered, based on different patterns of categorization, and a few of the most relevant alternate groupings were explored during the analysis phase to ensure that the results did not differ on this basis. Some of the alternate grouping options included grouping MMOGs with role play games as one genre and simulation games as a separate genre, as well as grouping survival horror games with Action instead of Adventure. These alternate arrangements affected the data for only a few participants and did not change the trends found in the results. Table 1 shows the final genre groupings that were used.
卡方分析來探討可能的類型之間的關係發揮的視頻遊戲和策略使用兒童學習這些遊戲。遊戲類型倒塌14日至4種不同類型的基礎上的概念關係,以滿足假設的卡方測試。動作,運動,賽車,平台和音樂流派都主要側重於運動和議案。這些被合併,形成一個行動小組。冒險,角色扮演,和生存恐怖遊戲概念相關,因為它們涉及的問題解決在故事情節。這些都是結合從探險小組。仿真和大型多人在線遊戲(MMOG的)都涉及模擬和代表性的現實,並組合成的仿真流派。最後,策略,益智,傳統和教育遊戲都聚焦於遊戲,學習和解決問題已經和可以發揮,沒有技術,如操練與練習測驗和喜歡國際象棋的棋盤遊戲。這些形成了教育/傳統組。其他可能的方式進行分組類型進行了審議,根據不同的分類方式,和一些最相關的替代分組進行了探討,在分析階段,以確保結果沒有差異在此基礎上。一些替代方案包括分組與分組 MMOG的角色扮演遊戲,一個流派和模擬遊戲作為一個獨立的流派,以及分組的恐怖生存遊戲與行動,而不是冒險。這些備用安排影響的數據只有少數參加者並沒有改變的趨勢中發現的結果。表1顯示了最終的類型分組被使用。
In the student survey, students identified which strategies they utilized to improve at the two games they played most often. The question asked ‘‘How did you/will you get good at this game?” Students were able to choose any that applied from the choices listed. These were (1) ‘‘I play it over and over again” (repetition), (2) think of new and different ways to do the tasks or solve it” (innovation), (3) ‘‘I get answers or codes from the Internet, books, friends” (cheats), (4) ‘‘I watch other people play and then I do what they did” (observation), (5) ‘‘I explore and try different things until I find something that works” (exploration), and (6) ‘‘I pretend I am really in the game and try to think the way they would think” (role play). Chi-square tests of association were conducted for each of the six strategies to examine the relationship of the genres played and use of each learning strategy. These Chi-square tests were then repeated for males and females separately, and for students who play more and less often in a typical week.
3.3.Reasons for playing these games
Children also wrote one or two sentences explaining why they like the video games they choose to play most often. The responses were the basis for the creation of a matrix of possible motivational choices. These answers were coded independently by two researchers and patterns among gender and genre of game were explored.
3.1. Participants and measures One hundred eighteen fourth- and fifth-grade children from four American public schools each completed a survey about his or her video game play habits. The survey was conducted in conjunction with a larger study exploring video game play and creativity in children (Hamlen, 2009). This survey asked participants about their access to video games, the amount of time they typically spend playing video games, and asked them to name two video games they play most often. The students and the researcher, with a high level of agreement, both classified each game into one of 14 genres: Action, Sports, Racing, Platform, Music,Adventure, Role play, Survival horror, Simulation, Massively Multiplayer Online Game, Strategy, Puzzle, Traditional, and Educational. This list of genres was developed using classifications found in Wikipedia (Video game genres, 2009) because these are definitions and classifications generated primarily from gamers themselves. For each game, the child then checked off which of six strategies,if any, (s)he uses to learn and improve in that game. Children also responded to an open-ended question about why they like the games they play.
A parent or guardian of each participant also completed a survey, which was used to verify student time estimates. Both the parent and the student were asked to estimate the number of hours the student spent playing video games ‘this past week.’ The corrlation between parent and student time estimates was .56, a moderate correlation which is significant at the .01 level. A matched t-test showed that there was not a signi?cant difference between these two means (t103 =.542, p = .601). Since parent time estimates support the reliability of student time estimates, student time estimates were used for the remainder of the analyses.
3.1。參與者和措施,其中一項 118名四年級和五年級的孩子從公立學校每四個美國完成的一項調查顯示他或她的視頻遊戲的習慣。這項調查是在一個較大的結合研究,探討視頻遊戲和創造力,兒童(哈姆倫,2009)。這項調查要求參與者對進入視頻遊戲,其數額通常花費時間,他們玩視頻遊戲,並要求他們說出兩個視頻遊戲他們玩的次數最多。學生和研究人員,具有較高水平的協議,每場比賽都歸類為以下14個類型:動作,體育遊戲,賽車,平台,音樂,冒險,角色扮演,恐怖生存,模擬,大型多人在線遊戲,戰略,益智,傳統和教育。這份清單的類型是發達國家使用的分類發現在維基百科(視頻遊戲類型,2009年),因為這些都是產生的定義和分類主要來自玩家自己。對於每一個遊戲,然後檢查了這些孩子的六大策略,如果有的話,他(她)用來學習和提高在那場比賽。孩子們還回答了一個開放式問題,為何他們喜歡的遊戲,他們玩。
父母或監護人的每一個參與者也完成了一項調查,這是用來驗證學生的時間估計。無論是家長和學生被要求估計數個小時的學生花在玩電子遊戲'在過去的一周。'的家長和學生之間 corrlation時間估算為 0.56,這是一個溫和的相關性在0.01水平顯著。一個配對 t -檢驗表明,沒有一個找出所有的差異這兩個手段(t103 =. 542,p值= 0.601)。由於家長的時間估計支持學生時代的可靠性估計,學生的時間估計是用於餘下的分析。
3.2. Genres and strategies
Chi-square analyses were used to explore possible relationships between the types of video games played and the strategies children use to learn those games. The game genres were collapsed from 14 to 4 different genres based on conceptual relationships in order to meet the assumptions of the Chi-square tests. Action, sports, racing, platform, and music genres all focus primarily on movement and motions. These were combined to form one Action group. Adventure, role play, and survival horror games are conceptually related because they involve problem-solving within a storyline. These were combined to formthe Adventure group. Simulation and Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) both involve simulation and representation of reality, and were combined to form the Simulation genre. Finally, strategy, puzzle, traditional, and educational games all focus on games with learning and problem solving that have and can be played without technology, such as drill-and-practice quizzes and board games like chess. These formed the Educational/Traditional group. Other possible ways to group the genres were considered, based on different patterns of categorization, and a few of the most relevant alternate groupings were explored during the analysis phase to ensure that the results did not differ on this basis. Some of the alternate grouping options included grouping MMOGs with role play games as one genre and simulation games as a separate genre, as well as grouping survival horror games with Action instead of Adventure. These alternate arrangements affected the data for only a few participants and did not change the trends found in the results. Table 1 shows the final genre groupings that were used.
卡方分析來探討可能的類型之間的關係發揮的視頻遊戲和策略使用兒童學習這些遊戲。遊戲類型倒塌14日至4種不同類型的基礎上的概念關係,以滿足假設的卡方測試。動作,運動,賽車,平台和音樂流派都主要側重於運動和議案。這些被合併,形成一個行動小組。冒險,角色扮演,和生存恐怖遊戲概念相關,因為它們涉及的問題解決在故事情節。這些都是結合從探險小組。仿真和大型多人在線遊戲(MMOG的)都涉及模擬和代表性的現實,並組合成的仿真流派。最後,策略,益智,傳統和教育遊戲都聚焦於遊戲,學習和解決問題已經和可以發揮,沒有技術,如操練與練習測驗和喜歡國際象棋的棋盤遊戲。這些形成了教育/傳統組。其他可能的方式進行分組類型進行了審議,根據不同的分類方式,和一些最相關的替代分組進行了探討,在分析階段,以確保結果沒有差異在此基礎上。一些替代方案包括分組與分組 MMOG的角色扮演遊戲,一個流派和模擬遊戲作為一個獨立的流派,以及分組的恐怖生存遊戲與行動,而不是冒險。這些備用安排影響的數據只有少數參加者並沒有改變的趨勢中發現的結果。表1顯示了最終的類型分組被使用。
In the student survey, students identified which strategies they utilized to improve at the two games they played most often. The question asked ‘‘How did you/will you get good at this game?” Students were able to choose any that applied from the choices listed. These were (1) ‘‘I play it over and over again” (repetition), (2) think of new and different ways to do the tasks or solve it” (innovation), (3) ‘‘I get answers or codes from the Internet, books, friends” (cheats), (4) ‘‘I watch other people play and then I do what they did” (observation), (5) ‘‘I explore and try different things until I find something that works” (exploration), and (6) ‘‘I pretend I am really in the game and try to think the way they would think” (role play). Chi-square tests of association were conducted for each of the six strategies to examine the relationship of the genres played and use of each learning strategy. These Chi-square tests were then repeated for males and females separately, and for students who play more and less often in a typical week.
3.3.Reasons for playing these games
Children also wrote one or two sentences explaining why they like the video games they choose to play most often. The responses were the basis for the creation of a matrix of possible motivational choices. These answers were coded independently by two researchers and patterns among gender and genre of game were explored.
2011年5月2日 星期一
2011/5/3 Paper閱讀摘錄
2.2. Learning strategies
Dickey (2005) has examined the strategies incorporated in video game design in the context of existing learning theories and engaged learning among students. This work has resulted in the identifcation of several parallels between game design principles and learning principles, suggesting that there are many ways for game design to contribute to instructional design principles. Despite the pedagogical principles contained in most modern games,however, designers often fail to report these learning principles as foundations for the game design, which may be an indication that they did not consciously ground their design in these learning principles (Kebritchi & Hirumi, 2008).
狄基(2005)已研究戰略中的視頻遊戲設計的背景下現有的學習理論的學習和從事學生。這項工作已導致若干相似之處方式識別遊戲的設計原則和學習原則,這表明有許多方法,遊戲設計促進教學設計原則。儘管在教學原則中最現代的遊戲,然而,設計師經常漏報這些學習原則為基礎設計的遊戲,這可能是一個跡象,他們不自覺地在這些學習他們的設計原則(Kebritchi&Hirumi,2008 )。
With overlapping pedagogical principles but vastly different presentations between video games and classroom instruction, it is important to investigate the learning strategies children use in the context of learning to play video games. Findings from MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Youth Project Ito et al., 2008) indicate that children using new media tend to learn from their peers instead of solely, or mostly, from teachers or parents. Blumberg and Sokol (2004) asked second and fifth-grade students about what they did when learning how to play a video game, with the primary intent of differentiating between internally and externally based strategies. They found that more frequent players and older children were more likely to mention internally based strategies. This is logical because those who play games more frequently are more likely to have a knowledge base of strategies that have worked for them in the past, while younger children and less frequent players are more likely to need help from an outside resource. Similar results were found in a later study among adults (Blumberg, Rosenthal, & Randall, 2008). Additional findings from the 2008 study included that those who more frequently verbalized about their game performance also performed better, suggesting the possibility of improved strategy and learning from thinking aloud. In an online survey among adults, Alkan and Cagiltay (2007) studied the strategies university students use to learn new computer games. Using student self-reports, they found that these students used both trial and error and information from friends to learn new games. Since this was a contrived situation, however, students reported that the learning strategies were different for the game used in the study than for other video games they play, making the results less germane. Other researchers have studied game play from an ecological perspective to remove the artificial conditions of an experiment and instead take into account several intertwined factors, such as setting, motivation, emotions, and perspective. Stevens, Satwicz, and McCarthy (2008) observed commonalities in positioning among sibling relationships across video game play and homework scenarios. In each case the older sibling acted as a coach to the younger sibling. This provides some evidence that approaches to video game play may transfer to (or reflect) preferences for learning in other scenarios.
具有重疊教學原則,但完全不同的藝術之間的視頻遊戲和課堂教學,重要的是要探討兒童使用的學習策略,學習的背景下玩視頻遊戲。結果從麥克阿瑟基金會的數碼青年項目伊藤等。,2008)表明,兒童使用新媒體往往從他們的同齡人學習,而不是純粹,或大部分由老師或家長。 Blumberg和索科爾(2004)問二,五年級的學生他們做了什麼時,學習如何玩視頻遊戲,其主要意圖在內部和外部之間存在差異的基礎的戰略。他們發現,更頻繁的球員和年齡較大的兒童更有可能在內部提為基礎的戰略。這是合乎邏輯的,因為那些誰玩遊戲更頻繁更可能有知識基礎的戰略,已經為他們在過去,而年輕的孩子,那麼頻繁球員可能更需要從外部資源的幫助。類似的結果在後來的研究發現成人(布隆伯格,羅森塔爾,&蘭德爾,2008)。附加從 2008年的研究發現,包括那些誰更頻繁語言表達對自己的遊戲性能也表現較好,表明改進的策略的可能性從放聲思考和學習。在一項網上調查在成年人中,Alkan和Cagiltay(2007)研究了高校學生使用的策略,學習新的電腦遊戲。利用學生的自我報告,他們發現,這些學生同時使用試驗和錯誤,並從朋友的信息,學習新的遊戲。由於這是一個人為的情況,但學生的學習策略報告說,有不同的遊戲中使用的研究比其他視頻遊戲他們玩,使我們的成果少有密切關係。其他研究人員已經研究遊戲從生態的角度來消除人工條件下的實驗,而是考慮到幾個因素交織在一起,如設置,動機,情感和觀點。史蒂文斯Satwicz和麥卡錫(2008)觀察到的共性之間兄弟關係定位在視頻遊戲和家庭作業的情景。在每一種情況下,兄長擔任教練的弟弟。這提供了一些證據表明,玩視頻遊戲方法可轉讓(或反射)的偏好在其他方案中學習。
2.3. Gender differences in learning strategies and video game play
There are also gender differences related to motivations and strategies video games. While gender differences have been studied to a great extent as related to playing habits and aggression, motivation and learning strategies are less represented in the current literature on video game play, especially as relating to younger children.
Hoffman and Nadelson (2010) determined that, among college students, an orientation to gaming was more likely to motivate males to play video games and to play for longer than it did for females. Females, on the other hand, were more likely to value socialization over rewards offered in the video games. These findings should be interpreted with caution because, although only students who already played video games for a few hours a week were included, these were volunteer students in the field of education who were seeking extra course credit, which severely limits the generalizability of the ?ndings. While Hoffman and Nadelson
investigated gaming as a whole, including all genres, Jansz, Avis,and Vosmeer (2010) conducted an online survey focused exclusively on one simulation game, The Sims 2, which is predominantly played by females. When analyzing gender differences they noted that males preferred the challenge, social interaction, and fantasy associated with the game more than females did. This is substantiated by other researchers, such as Greenberg, Sherry, Lachlan, Lucas, and Holmstrom (2010), who found that a large sample of fifth, eighth-, 11th grade and college students males were more motivated by challenge, social interaction, and fantasy than females were, according to self-reports. Similarly, Eglesz, Feteke, Kiss, and Izso (2005) found that, at least among adults, males more often than females report being motivated by challenge in video games. Among children, boys prefer the aspects of control and personal victory more than girls do. It seems somewhat surprising that researchers (Greenberg et al., 2010; Jansz et al., 2010) found that males scored higher than females regarding the social motivation to play the game and interact with friends. According to Jansz, Avis, and Vosmeer, however, the difference may be that boys tend to use the games themselves for social interaction, while girls value social interaction but find it in other ways.
2.3。學習策略的性別差異和視頻遊戲 也有性別差異與動機和策略的視頻遊戲。雖然性別差異進行了研究,在很大程度上是有關玩的習慣和侵略,動機和學習策略是代表不足在當前文學對視頻遊戲,特別是涉及年幼的孩子。 霍夫曼和Nadelson(2010年)確定,在校學生,遊戲是一個方向,鼓勵男性更有可能玩視頻遊戲和玩的時間比它確實為女性。女性,另一方面,更可能的價值回報社會提供了在視頻遊戲。這些結果的解釋應當謹慎,因為,雖然只是學生玩視頻遊戲,誰已經為幾個小時,每週都包括在內,這些都是志願的學生在教育領域誰是尋求額外的課程學分,這嚴重限制了一般化的? ndings。雖然霍夫曼和Nadelson 調查遊戲作為一個整體,包括所有類型,Jansz,安飛士和Vosmeer(2010)進行了網上調查,專注於一個模擬遊戲,模擬人生2,這主要是由女性扮演。在分析性別差異,他們指出,男性更喜歡挑戰,社會互動,以及與比賽相關的幻想比女性更沒有。這是由其他研究人員證實,如格林伯格,謝慧敏,拉克蘭,盧卡斯和霍姆斯特羅姆(2010年),誰發現,大樣本的第五,第八,十一年級和大學生男性更主動的挑戰,社會互動,和幻想比雌性,根據自我報告。同樣,Eglesz,Feteke,親吻和Izso(2005年)發現,至少在成年人中,男性比女性更經常被報告的動機挑戰視頻遊戲。在孩子們,孩子們更喜歡等方面的控制和個人的勝利比女孩更做。這似乎有點令人驚訝,研究人員(格林伯格等。,2010; Jansz等。,2010)發現男性比女性方面得分較高的社會動力,以玩遊戲和互動的朋友。據 Jansz,安飛士和Vosmeer,但差別可能是男孩傾向於使用遊戲本身的社會互動,社會互動,而女孩的價值卻發現它在其他方面。
Finally, researchers have also studied motivation from a biological standpoint. Hoeft, Watson, Kesler, Bettinger, and Reiss (2008) used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the brain activity of 22 young adults as they played video games. While all participants showed brain activation in the mesocorticolimbic center, which is related to reward and addiction, males had higher levels of activation and there was a significant relationship between the level of activation they experienced and their achievement in the game. Thus, it is possible that boys find these aspects of game play more rewarding even at a biological level.
One of the most relevant studies to the current one involved an investigation of middle school students’ preferences for play "activity modes” in video games (Kinzie & Joseph, 2008). What the researchers termed activity modes are similar to the learning strategies in the present study in that they characterize the child’s approach to the game. A self-report survey was used with 42 students, a small sample size allowing for only limited generalizability. Researchers found gender differences in preferences for activity mode in game play, noting that boys favored Active and Strategic play more than girls did, while girls favored Creative and Explorative play more than boys did. Active play, as de?ned by this study, requires quick response and often takes the form of fighting in a video game, and Strategic play requires the manipulation of resources. Creative play allows the player to modify aspects of the game, including the environment, and Explorative play focuses on exploration of the game playing field to discover new things and solve problems. Comparisons will be made to the results of the present study, as the age of the children is slightly different but the concept is similar.
Dickey (2005) has examined the strategies incorporated in video game design in the context of existing learning theories and engaged learning among students. This work has resulted in the identifcation of several parallels between game design principles and learning principles, suggesting that there are many ways for game design to contribute to instructional design principles. Despite the pedagogical principles contained in most modern games,however, designers often fail to report these learning principles as foundations for the game design, which may be an indication that they did not consciously ground their design in these learning principles (Kebritchi & Hirumi, 2008).
狄基(2005)已研究戰略中的視頻遊戲設計的背景下現有的學習理論的學習和從事學生。這項工作已導致若干相似之處方式識別遊戲的設計原則和學習原則,這表明有許多方法,遊戲設計促進教學設計原則。儘管在教學原則中最現代的遊戲,然而,設計師經常漏報這些學習原則為基礎設計的遊戲,這可能是一個跡象,他們不自覺地在這些學習他們的設計原則(Kebritchi&Hirumi,2008 )。
With overlapping pedagogical principles but vastly different presentations between video games and classroom instruction, it is important to investigate the learning strategies children use in the context of learning to play video games. Findings from MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Youth Project Ito et al., 2008) indicate that children using new media tend to learn from their peers instead of solely, or mostly, from teachers or parents. Blumberg and Sokol (2004) asked second and fifth-grade students about what they did when learning how to play a video game, with the primary intent of differentiating between internally and externally based strategies. They found that more frequent players and older children were more likely to mention internally based strategies. This is logical because those who play games more frequently are more likely to have a knowledge base of strategies that have worked for them in the past, while younger children and less frequent players are more likely to need help from an outside resource. Similar results were found in a later study among adults (Blumberg, Rosenthal, & Randall, 2008). Additional findings from the 2008 study included that those who more frequently verbalized about their game performance also performed better, suggesting the possibility of improved strategy and learning from thinking aloud. In an online survey among adults, Alkan and Cagiltay (2007) studied the strategies university students use to learn new computer games. Using student self-reports, they found that these students used both trial and error and information from friends to learn new games. Since this was a contrived situation, however, students reported that the learning strategies were different for the game used in the study than for other video games they play, making the results less germane. Other researchers have studied game play from an ecological perspective to remove the artificial conditions of an experiment and instead take into account several intertwined factors, such as setting, motivation, emotions, and perspective. Stevens, Satwicz, and McCarthy (2008) observed commonalities in positioning among sibling relationships across video game play and homework scenarios. In each case the older sibling acted as a coach to the younger sibling. This provides some evidence that approaches to video game play may transfer to (or reflect) preferences for learning in other scenarios.
具有重疊教學原則,但完全不同的藝術之間的視頻遊戲和課堂教學,重要的是要探討兒童使用的學習策略,學習的背景下玩視頻遊戲。結果從麥克阿瑟基金會的數碼青年項目伊藤等。,2008)表明,兒童使用新媒體往往從他們的同齡人學習,而不是純粹,或大部分由老師或家長。 Blumberg和索科爾(2004)問二,五年級的學生他們做了什麼時,學習如何玩視頻遊戲,其主要意圖在內部和外部之間存在差異的基礎的戰略。他們發現,更頻繁的球員和年齡較大的兒童更有可能在內部提為基礎的戰略。這是合乎邏輯的,因為那些誰玩遊戲更頻繁更可能有知識基礎的戰略,已經為他們在過去,而年輕的孩子,那麼頻繁球員可能更需要從外部資源的幫助。類似的結果在後來的研究發現成人(布隆伯格,羅森塔爾,&蘭德爾,2008)。附加從 2008年的研究發現,包括那些誰更頻繁語言表達對自己的遊戲性能也表現較好,表明改進的策略的可能性從放聲思考和學習。在一項網上調查在成年人中,Alkan和Cagiltay(2007)研究了高校學生使用的策略,學習新的電腦遊戲。利用學生的自我報告,他們發現,這些學生同時使用試驗和錯誤,並從朋友的信息,學習新的遊戲。由於這是一個人為的情況,但學生的學習策略報告說,有不同的遊戲中使用的研究比其他視頻遊戲他們玩,使我們的成果少有密切關係。其他研究人員已經研究遊戲從生態的角度來消除人工條件下的實驗,而是考慮到幾個因素交織在一起,如設置,動機,情感和觀點。史蒂文斯Satwicz和麥卡錫(2008)觀察到的共性之間兄弟關係定位在視頻遊戲和家庭作業的情景。在每一種情況下,兄長擔任教練的弟弟。這提供了一些證據表明,玩視頻遊戲方法可轉讓(或反射)的偏好在其他方案中學習。
2.3. Gender differences in learning strategies and video game play
There are also gender differences related to motivations and strategies video games. While gender differences have been studied to a great extent as related to playing habits and aggression, motivation and learning strategies are less represented in the current literature on video game play, especially as relating to younger children.
Hoffman and Nadelson (2010) determined that, among college students, an orientation to gaming was more likely to motivate males to play video games and to play for longer than it did for females. Females, on the other hand, were more likely to value socialization over rewards offered in the video games. These findings should be interpreted with caution because, although only students who already played video games for a few hours a week were included, these were volunteer students in the field of education who were seeking extra course credit, which severely limits the generalizability of the ?ndings. While Hoffman and Nadelson
investigated gaming as a whole, including all genres, Jansz, Avis,and Vosmeer (2010) conducted an online survey focused exclusively on one simulation game, The Sims 2, which is predominantly played by females. When analyzing gender differences they noted that males preferred the challenge, social interaction, and fantasy associated with the game more than females did. This is substantiated by other researchers, such as Greenberg, Sherry, Lachlan, Lucas, and Holmstrom (2010), who found that a large sample of fifth, eighth-, 11th grade and college students males were more motivated by challenge, social interaction, and fantasy than females were, according to self-reports. Similarly, Eglesz, Feteke, Kiss, and Izso (2005) found that, at least among adults, males more often than females report being motivated by challenge in video games. Among children, boys prefer the aspects of control and personal victory more than girls do. It seems somewhat surprising that researchers (Greenberg et al., 2010; Jansz et al., 2010) found that males scored higher than females regarding the social motivation to play the game and interact with friends. According to Jansz, Avis, and Vosmeer, however, the difference may be that boys tend to use the games themselves for social interaction, while girls value social interaction but find it in other ways.
2.3。學習策略的性別差異和視頻遊戲 也有性別差異與動機和策略的視頻遊戲。雖然性別差異進行了研究,在很大程度上是有關玩的習慣和侵略,動機和學習策略是代表不足在當前文學對視頻遊戲,特別是涉及年幼的孩子。 霍夫曼和Nadelson(2010年)確定,在校學生,遊戲是一個方向,鼓勵男性更有可能玩視頻遊戲和玩的時間比它確實為女性。女性,另一方面,更可能的價值回報社會提供了在視頻遊戲。這些結果的解釋應當謹慎,因為,雖然只是學生玩視頻遊戲,誰已經為幾個小時,每週都包括在內,這些都是志願的學生在教育領域誰是尋求額外的課程學分,這嚴重限制了一般化的? ndings。雖然霍夫曼和Nadelson 調查遊戲作為一個整體,包括所有類型,Jansz,安飛士和Vosmeer(2010)進行了網上調查,專注於一個模擬遊戲,模擬人生2,這主要是由女性扮演。在分析性別差異,他們指出,男性更喜歡挑戰,社會互動,以及與比賽相關的幻想比女性更沒有。這是由其他研究人員證實,如格林伯格,謝慧敏,拉克蘭,盧卡斯和霍姆斯特羅姆(2010年),誰發現,大樣本的第五,第八,十一年級和大學生男性更主動的挑戰,社會互動,和幻想比雌性,根據自我報告。同樣,Eglesz,Feteke,親吻和Izso(2005年)發現,至少在成年人中,男性比女性更經常被報告的動機挑戰視頻遊戲。在孩子們,孩子們更喜歡等方面的控制和個人的勝利比女孩更做。這似乎有點令人驚訝,研究人員(格林伯格等。,2010; Jansz等。,2010)發現男性比女性方面得分較高的社會動力,以玩遊戲和互動的朋友。據 Jansz,安飛士和Vosmeer,但差別可能是男孩傾向於使用遊戲本身的社會互動,社會互動,而女孩的價值卻發現它在其他方面。
Finally, researchers have also studied motivation from a biological standpoint. Hoeft, Watson, Kesler, Bettinger, and Reiss (2008) used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the brain activity of 22 young adults as they played video games. While all participants showed brain activation in the mesocorticolimbic center, which is related to reward and addiction, males had higher levels of activation and there was a significant relationship between the level of activation they experienced and their achievement in the game. Thus, it is possible that boys find these aspects of game play more rewarding even at a biological level.
One of the most relevant studies to the current one involved an investigation of middle school students’ preferences for play "activity modes” in video games (Kinzie & Joseph, 2008). What the researchers termed activity modes are similar to the learning strategies in the present study in that they characterize the child’s approach to the game. A self-report survey was used with 42 students, a small sample size allowing for only limited generalizability. Researchers found gender differences in preferences for activity mode in game play, noting that boys favored Active and Strategic play more than girls did, while girls favored Creative and Explorative play more than boys did. Active play, as de?ned by this study, requires quick response and often takes the form of fighting in a video game, and Strategic play requires the manipulation of resources. Creative play allows the player to modify aspects of the game, including the environment, and Explorative play focuses on exploration of the game playing field to discover new things and solve problems. Comparisons will be made to the results of the present study, as the age of the children is slightly different but the concept is similar.
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