5. Conclusions
5.1. Discussion
By using knowledge of how children learn in video games, we have more information to help us determine with which games children may be more likely to engage in learning strategies that encourage the development of critical thinking skills, imagination,and creativity. Further, this knowledge of how children learn in the video game world may lead to developments in designing educational video game products and serious games, and possibly even to modi?cations of learning environments in the classroom. Gee (2003) noted the disparity between the learning environments of video gamers, who are engaged in learning games, with students in traditional school environments, who are given little control over their own learning. He recommends that learning principles from video game design can be used to understand the way children are learning in games, whichmay ultimately lead to modification of classroom instruction to make school learning more relevant to students.
Video games have, in part, been blamed for children’s waning ability to engage in creative play (Cordes & Miler, 2000; Healy,1998). Contrary to that belief, adventure games in particular may encourage boys to try on a new identity and imagine what it would be like to be in the fantasy world created by the game, to make decisions that make sense in that fantasy world. Vygotsky (1978) posited that children come to recognize and appreciate social norms, especially adult roles, by playing. Through play, children have the capacity to pretend and temporarily take on a different identity. Out of all the video game genres explored in this study, it seems that children (and boys in particular) are most likely to engage in this positive form of creative play and imagining when playing adventure games. Action games encourage simple repetition, which may not be as intellectually stimulating as other genres of games, but may encourage patience and perseverance. Important elements of action games that encourage repetition without undue frustration are immediate feedback, rewards for improvement, and lack of punishment for repeated failure (Gee, 2003). It should be noted, however, that the correlational nature of the relationship makes it unclear whether the games of a particular genre encourage children to use certain learning strategies or if children tend to choose games of the genre that requires their preferred learning style to succeed based on game design.
This study gives preliminary evidence that girls, more often than boys, prefer to learn games through innovative strategies and exploration. When playing adventure games, however, they tend to prefer observing others before playing themselves. This is an interesting paradox between tendencies toward observation and tendencies toward exploration. The difference may be due differences in the game genres. Adventure games take place in fantasy worlds, each with its unique set of rules and customs. Perhaps when placed in such a new and open-ended environment girls would prefer to gain knowledge from watching someone else’ successes and failures before participating themselves. The other types of game play, however – simulation, educational, and action games – tend to be more concrete. The girls in this study were inclined to play simulations such as The Sims and Zoo Tycoon, as well as Webkinz games. The worlds in which these games take place are more similar to the real world, and thus provide a sense of familiarity. This study indicates that in these circumstances, girls prefer to use innovative strategies and to be able to explore the tools and activities available in the game. Further research is needed to see if this translates to learning styles in other contexts besides video games. If so, it would suggest that girls should be given freedom to explore and try new things in educational situations that are familiar to them, and that they may prefer to watch others before participating in new and unfamiliar learning environments.
這項研究提供了初步證據表明,女孩比男孩更經常,更喜歡通過遊戲學習和探索創新戰略。當玩冒險遊戲,但是,他們往往更喜歡觀察別人在玩自己。這是一個有趣的悖論與趨勢走向和趨勢的觀察對探索。這種差別可能是由於不同的遊戲類型。冒險遊戲發生在幻想世界,每個國家都有它獨特的一套規則和習慣。也許,當放置在這樣一個新的和開放式的環境女孩寧願獲得的知識,從看別人的成功與失敗之前參加自己。其他類型的遊戲,但是 - 模擬,教育,和動作遊戲 - 往往更加具體。女孩們在這項研究中傾向於玩模擬,如模擬人生和動物園大亨,以及Webkinz遊戲。世界在發生這些遊戲更接近現實世界,從而提供了一個熟悉感。這項研究表明,在這種情況下,女孩喜歡用創新的戰略,並能夠探索的工具和活動提供在遊戲中。需要進一步研究,看是否能轉化為學習風格在其他情況下,除了視頻遊戲。如果是的話,它會建議,女孩應給予自由探索和嘗試新事物的教育情況是很熟悉他們,他們可能更喜歡看別人之前,參與新的和陌生的學習環境。
In video games children are free to try a number of learning strategies. Knowing the ways children choose to learn when they are engaged in an independent activity such as video games may help guide parents and educators in encouraging different styles of learning in other educational contexts. This study also showed that boys are more likely than girls to use ‘cheats’ to learn game In classroom learning, frequently collaboration and use of outside resources as shortcuts can be considered dishonest, unless the activity is specifically designed with collaboration in mind. It is important to note that such practices are sometimes considered acceptable strategies in the gaming world, and students may not understand the differences between ethics in the gaming world and those of the classroom unless these are directly taught.
Learning strategies emphasized in the traditional classroom tend to most often include repetition (practice), innovation (thinking of new ways to solve problems), and observation (watching the teacher demonstrate). Role play, or pretending to take on the identity of an expert to learn to think like one, is less often used. This study reveals that boys who play adventure games, one of the more popular game genres, tend to approach learning with this strategy. In addition, girls use this strategy equally as often as boys when learning to play games in general. Besides the seeming preference for this strategy among students, this approach has been lauded among learning theorists, both within and without a technological context, who have advised that taking on a role or identity is one of the most effective ways of learning to think in new ways and learn new subject matter (Gee, 2003; Turkle, 1995; Vygotsky, 1978).Results of this study also reveal that boys and girls both use the repetition strategy to learn games. Educators should note, however, that repetition in game play is a motivating factor because ability and success tend to increase with each attempt. If repetition in classroom learning is not associated with these immediate gains, students may more quickly become frustrated and give up because it is not providing the rewards to which they are accustomed in game play.
學習策略強調在傳統的教室往往最通常包括重複(實踐),創新(思維的新方法來解決問題),並觀察(看老師示範)。角色扮演,或假裝的身份參加的專家,學會這樣想的,是不經常使用。這項研究表明,男孩誰玩冒險遊戲,其中一個比較流行的遊戲類型,往往與這個戰略方針的學習。此外,女孩也同樣使用這個戰略和男孩經常玩遊戲時學習一般。除了這一戰略似乎偏愛學生,這種方法已被稱讚班級學習的理論家,既沒有的技術背景下,誰曾表示接受在角色或身份是一個最有效的途徑學習新的思考學習的方法和新的題材(吉,2003年; Turkle,1995;維果茨基,1978)。這項研究結果也顯示,男孩和女孩都使用了重複學習策略遊戲。教育者應該注意,但是,在遊戲中,重複播放,是一種激勵因素,因為能力和成功往往會增加每一次嘗試。如果重複課堂學習是不是與這些直接收益,學生可以更迅速地變得沮喪,放棄,因為它不提供獎勵他們所習慣的遊戲。
In exploring children’s motivations for choosing the vide games they play, psychological factors seem to play more of a role than programming factors within the games. Children choose to play games about topics that already interest them and games that are challenging, as well as games that give them freedom to make choices. The ultimate video game experience may also be the ultimate learning experience for children: one that relates to something that interests them, gives them the freedom to make their own choices without too many rules and restrictions, and one that provides a significant challenge. Additionally, the differences between the way girls and boys prefer to approach video games may play a role in other types of learning. While the differences will not hold true for every child, parents and educators may find that they can motivate some boys by allowing them to role play and think like a character to accomplish a goal. They may also find that many girls want the opportunity to explore for themselves in familiar learning environments, and that they may prefer to have some observation time before participating in unfamiliar learning environments. Finally, this study supports the view that children will be attracted to learning environments with content that interests and challenges them. It reveals that fewer children are using video games to avoid thinking but, on the contrary, many are seeking mental challenge and are eager to learn from the games.
5.2. Limitations
The most obvious limitation of these analyses is that they are correlational. Cause and effect cannot be determined so we cannot discern, from this research, whether certain types of games are more likely to elicit certain learning strategies in children, or if those children who were already predisposed toward a certain strategy tend to choose particular genres of games. The students who participated in this study were volunteers, so different results may have been obtained if all students participated or if a random sample of students were obtained. Finally, this research included all types of video game play, as defined by the children themselves. It may be beneficial for future research to use a more narrow definition of video game play, as well as more narrow definitions of the types of games played to further analyze habits and strategies used in each genre of game.