2011年3月24日 星期四

2011/3/25 Paper閱讀摘錄

Integration and Deployment of Educational Games in e-Learning Environments: The Learning Object Model Meets Educational Gaming


E-Learning and Videogames
In this section we provide a general overview of both e-learning and educational gaming and discuss some issues that need to be addressed to simplify the use of games in education.


The e-Learning field is an industry on  the rise that is beginning to be considered a mature technology. The initial excitement about the possibility of accessing content anytime and anywhere was hindered by simplistic e-learning systems that were essentially repositories with vast amounts of content and very basic facilities (e.g. management or communication) (Weaver 2002; Zemsky and Massy 2004). However, modern e-Learning systems are more comprehensive and try to mitigate the problems of the separation between students and instructors, such as the lack of motivation or the high drop-out rates. Modern Virtual Learning Environments,  often labelled as Learning Management Systems (LMS), provide facilities for the interaction between instructors and students, detailed tracking of the students’ progress, and a simple path for the delivery of content through the web. In addition, their use is getting more and more generalized in diverse contexts, not only as an alternative to face-to-face learning, but also as a rich complement (e.g. most universities are using an LMS  to complement and support their lectures). This approach has been called b-Learning (Osguthorpe and Graham 2003; Garrison and Kanuka 2004).

電子學習領域是一個行業崛起,已開始被認為是成熟的技術。最初的興奮有關的可能性隨時隨地訪問內容,妨礙了簡單的電子學習系統,基本上是大量資料庫內容和非常基本的設施(如管理或通訊)韋弗2002; Zemsky馬西2004年)。然而,現代電子學習系統更全面,設法減輕問題學生和教師之間的分離,如缺乏動機高輟學率。現代虛擬學習環境,常被稱為學習管理系統(LMS),提供設施,以便教師和學生之間的互動,詳細跟踪學生的進步,一個簡單的路徑為交付的內容通過網絡此外,它們的使用越來越普遍在不同的場合,不僅作為替代面對面的學習,而且也是一個豐富的補充(使用的是大多數大學的LMS補充和支持他們的講座)。這種方法被稱為β-學習(Osguthorpe和格雷厄姆2003年;駐軍和卡努卡2004年)。

However, as e-Learning has become an important aspect of many learning experiences, there is a broad range of competing platforms. Additionally, we cannot simply throw any kind of content at the students and expect them to learn. There is a need for high quality content, built with solid educational principles. This means that the authoring and maintenance costs for this content are becoming huge, and the variety of competing platforms may put the investment at risk if those expensive contents are not interoperable.


The Learning Object (LO) model (Polsani 2003; Balatsoukas et al. 2008) addresses these issues by proposing a development strategy of learning content based on self-contained pieces that can be assembled into courses, supported by standardized interchange formats to simplify the interoperability of contents among systems and avoid vendor lock-in. With  this objective, the e-Learning arena has been immersed in a process of standardization and specifications development to support the interoperability between diverse LMS and content repositories.

學習對象LO)的模型(Polsani2003; Balatsoukas等。2008年)解決了這些問題提出的發展戰略,學習內容的基礎上自成一體,可組裝成的課程,並輔以標準化的交換格式,以簡化互通性系統間的內容,避免廠商鎖定中。有了這個目標,電子學習領域一直沉浸在一個過程標準化和規範發展,以支持不同的LMS之間的互操作性和內容庫。

Thus far, some specifications and standards are gaining acceptance in the e-learning market. Regarding the encapsulation of content, the effort carried out by the IMS Global Consortium has achieved a high impact with the IMS Content Packaging (IMS CP) specification (IMS Global Consortium 2004).  The specification establishes a standardized format for the packaging and distribution of LO. According to  the IMS CP specification, contents should be packaged in a zip file containing all the learning contents, along with a manifest file which provides information about the structure of the learning contents and additional information about how to deploy and deliver the content. Most of the commonly used LMS have facilities to import and export IMS CP contents, such as Moodle (Dougiamas and Taylor 2003), Sakai (Farmer and Dolphin 2005) or WebCT/BlackBoard (Goldberg and Salari 1997). This widespread adoption suggests that IMS CP can be taken as a preferred standard when it comes to
packaging content.

到目前為止,一些規範和驗收標準,獲得電子學習市場。關於封裝的內容,所進行的努力IMS全球聯盟已經取得了較高的影響與 IMS內容包裝IMS的CP)的規範(IMS全球聯盟2004年)。該規範規定了標準格式的包裝及分銷根據 IMS的CP的規範,內容應打包在一個壓縮文件,其中包含所有的學習內容,以及一個清單文件,提供有關信息結構的學習內容和其他信息有關如何部署和交付的內容。常用的LMS具備與進出口 IMS的CP的內容,如Moodle的Dougiamas和泰勒2003年),酒井(農夫和海豚2005)或透過 WebCT/黑板Goldberg和Salari1997年)。表明,廣泛採用 IMS的CP可作為首選標準,當涉及到包裝的內容。

In addition, the IMS CP specification is flexible and can be customized to specific scenarios through the so-called Application Profiles. One such profile is the Shareable Content Object Reference  Model (SCORM) Content Aggregation Model (ADL 2006), created in the context of the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative.


ADL SCORM not only covers the packaging of learning objects, but also  provides a communication protocol between an LMS and the Learning Objects. This communication protocol allows the LMS to gather tracking and assessment information generated within the LO. In addition, the latest version of the ADL SCORM reference model introduces the concepts of Sequencing and Navigation (SCORM SN). SCORM SN allows content developers to create activity sequences and to define the interaction mechanisms to navigate through them. Thereby the interaction between the student and an LO can affect the sequencing process through the aforementioned communication mechanism (Gonzalez-Barbone and Anido-Rifon 2008).

ADL的SCORM標準不僅涵蓋了包裝的學習對象,而且還提供一個通信協議之間的LMS和學習對象。這種通信協議允許的LMS收集產生的信息跟踪和評估在勞。此外,最新版本的ADL的SCORM的參考模型的概念引入了排序和導航(符合SCORM SN)的。符合SCORM SN的允許內容開發人員創建活動序列,並確定了互動機制來瀏覽它們。從而學生之間的互動和一個 LO會影響測序過程中,通過上述溝通機制(岡薩雷斯 Barbone和Anido- Rifon2008年)。

This notion of having complex learning sequences that vary depending on the outcomes of the individual activities is also present in another IMS specification: IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) (IMS Global Consortium 2003). In IMS LD, the LOs are part of the  environments provided to the student during the exposition of activities and their outcomes can affect future branching decisions during the learning experience.


On the other hand, in order to address the aspects of storage, search and retrieval of LOs in content repositories, content developers are encouraged to describe and annotate with metadata their LOs (Anido-Rifon et al. 2002). This annotation process also requires a standardization effort in order to define how the objects should be described. One of the most commonly used metadata specifications in this context is the IEEE Learning Object Meta-Data standard (IEEE 2002). This standard specifies a wide range of metadata that can be used to describe LO characteristics. The data is organized in categories concerning diverse aspects (general data, technical and educational features, etc.).

另一方面,為了解決方面的存儲,搜索和檢索的當地辦事處在內容庫,內容開發商鼓勵用元數據描述和詮釋他們的當地辦事處Anido- Rifon2002年)。這個註解過程還需要一個標準化的工作,以便確定如何描述的對象其中最常用的元數據規範在這方面是IEEE學習對象元數據標準(IEEE2002)。本標準規定了範圍廣泛的元數據可以用來形容特點。數據的組織不同類別的有關問題(一般數據,技術和教育功能等)。

