2011年3月22日 星期二

2011/3/23 Paper閱讀摘錄

Integration and Deployment of Educational Games in e-Learning Environments: The Learning Object Model Meets Educational Gaming




Game-based learning is becoming popular in the academic discussion of Learning Technologies. However, even though the educational potential of games has been thoroughly discussed in the literature, the integration of the games into educational processes and how to efficiently deliver the games to the students are still open questions. This paper addresses the aspects of integration and automatic deployment of educational games in Learning Management Systems. This integration simplifies the introduction of games in educational settings, leveraging the pre-existing technological infrastructure. Our approach is based on the automatic packaging and exportation of games as self-contained Learning Objects that can be easily distributed through any LMS compliant with the current interoperability standards. We thus inherit the advantages of the Learning Object model in terms of interoperability and, when supported by the LMS, in terms of student tracking and assessment.



Ever since videogames were born, they have been identified  as potential learning tools (Malone 1981b; Malone 1981a). Since then, there has been a sustained academic discussion of their educational applicability (Leutner 1993; Rieber 1996; Papert 1998;  Prensky 2001; Gee 2003; Mitchell and Savill-Smith 2004; Squire 2005; Michael and Chen 2006). This discussion has grown and evolved along with the maturity of the videogame industry, which has now become one of the most relevant businesses in the entertainment sector. After years of discussion and debate, the benefits of applying digital games, although lacking enough proof of the results sometimes (Hays 2005), have at least caught the attention of a great part of the academic community (Van Eck 2006). However, this does not mean that we are ready to massively adopt game-based learning in the educational system. The discussion has now moved on to other aspects such as pedagogically sound game design, student tracking and assessment, cost-effectiveness, and integration aspects (de Freitas and Oliver 2006; Van Eck 2006; Burgos et al. 2007b; Torrente et al. 2008a).

自從電子遊戲出生時,他們已被確定為潛在的學習工具(馬龍1981b;馬龍1981a)。自那時以來,出現了持續的學術討論其教育適用性(Leutner1993;里貝爾1996;帕爾特1998; Prensky2001;2003;米切爾和薩維爾史密斯2004年鄉紳2005年,邁克爾和陳2006)。這個討論不斷壯大和發展,隨著成熟電子遊戲產業,目前已成為一種最相關的企業在娛樂行業經過多年的討論和辯論的好處應用數字遊戲,雖然缺乏足夠的證據,結果有時(海斯2005年)至少有一個引起關注的很大一部分學術界凡埃克2006年)。但是,這並不意味著我們已經準備好大量採用遊戲式學習的教育體系討論現在已經轉移到其他方面,如遊戲設計聲音教學法,學生的跟踪和評估,成本效益和集成方面(德弗雷塔斯和Oliver2006;凡埃克2006年布爾戈斯等。2007年b; Torrente等。2008a )。

In this work, we will not be focusing on the strictly pedagogical aspects of game-based learning (referring interested readers to detailed literature reviews on the topic), but on some technical issues perceived as a barrier in the adoption of educational games that are hindering further research in this area. Two of these issues are how the games are delivered to the students and  how to track the performance of the students in the game experience. A possible approach to tackle these issues is the integration of the games as a new type of content in e-Learning systems, thus taking advantage of the current widespread infrastructure provided by the modern Learning Management Systems (LMS). However, commercial videogames are difficult to deliver  through these systems mostly due to their significant technological requirements (e.g. specific operative system or specific hardware) and due to an inherently complex distribution process. On the one hand, instructors need to address the packaging and distribution of games and, on the other hand, the students need to obtain the game, install it and then execute the game on their computers, which need to meet the technical requirements. 


In this regard, the <e-Adventure> platform overcomes the technical issues  related to installation, distribution and platform-dependency by providing an educational game engine that can be distributed via web (Moreno-Ger et al. 2008b) through the use of Java™ technologies. Although, the Java-based approach alleviates the interoperability and execution issues, it does not adequately address all the distribution issues that instructors have to face. The instructor still needs to cope with the integration in the educational process. For this reason we propose an approach that takes advantage of pre-existing e-Learning environments. This approach relies on the production of educational videogames as self-contained distributable Learning Objects (LO) following the principles of the LO model (Polsani 2003; Balatsoukas et al. 2008). This model envisions the learning contents as small self-contained objects that can then be combined in larger units (i.e. courses). In addition, there are standardized formats  to store and distribute learning objects, allowing the content to be reused across platforms and contexts. This standardization guarantees the simplicity of the deployment of these contents in heterogeneous LMS.

在這方面,<e-Adventure>平台克服的技術問題涉及到安裝,銷售和平台依賴性通過提供教育遊戲引擎,可以通過網絡分發莫雷諾德國2008b),通過使用Java™技術。雖然,基於 Java的方法減輕了互操作性和執行問題它沒有充分解決所有問題,教師的分配必須面對的。指導老師仍然需要應付一體化的教育過程。為此,我們提出了一個辦法,充分利用了已存在的電子學習環境。這種方法依賴於生產教育電子遊戲作為自我學習分配對象(以下的原則,本振模型(Polsani2003; Balatsoukas等。2008年)。這種模式設想的學習內容,小型獨立對象,可以然後結合在較大的單位(即課程)。此外,還有標準化的格式存儲和分發學習對象,使內容可以重複使用跨平台和環境。這種標準化保證了簡單的部署,這些內容在異構的LMS

Therefore the paper is structured as follows: firstly we discuss aspects related to the domains of e-Learning and educational gaming, as well as present some of the issues concerning their integration. Then we contextualize this contribution by analyzing related work. Finally, we describe the <e-Adventure> platform and how it facilitates the aforementioned integration, illustrating the process with a case study in which we test and analyze the integration of an <e-Adventure> game in some commercial and open source LMS.


